Matt Miller suffers from an unprecedented attachment ailment that forced him to have a plastic doll surgically implanted in his body. A psychologist sheds light on this unheard-of sickness.
We have people with castration desires, people who want limb amputations. The drives are almost always rooted in psychological trauma from childhood and that is what is behind this unusual case.
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Miller played with dolls excessively as a child and apparently had a favorite named Amanda. His mocking older sister told him he was too big (16 at the time) to play with dolls, and then she stole from Amanda. This devastated Matt. He literally loved this doll as if it were his own kid, mother, and lover wrapped in human plastic,” said the psychologist.
Afterward, Miller found the doll, hidden 32 years ago, in an attic. This provoked more abusive teasing from his sister when she found him cradling the doll, “bottle-feeding” her, calling her “my little ray of sunshine” and “love pants.” She told Miller that this time she would not hide the doll, but would decapitate it and burn its remains.
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In a distraught and delusional state, Miller decided that no one would ever take Amanda away from him again and surgically implant the doll on his belly.
He unable to find an American surgeon to perform the surgery, he flew to Costa Rica, where he paid more than $ 50,000 for the one-of-a-kind surgery.
My sister will have to literally remove the baby from my body, said Miller, which would lead to serious injury and even death. Although she is cruel” you know what, I don’t think she will.
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