The End of Biafra & Oduduwa Republic – See What President Buhari May Do To Stop Agitation.
Some of the tensions caused in Nigeria are largely attributed to agitators of the defunct Biafra Republic and the Oduduwa Republic. These agitations could be the country’s greatest con in history; one that would outstrip the historical significance of the coronavirus pandemic if been allowed to succeed.
To put an end to these agitations, President Muhammadu Buhari may take this decision.
The Yorubas, Igbos together and must work Hausas hand in hand to the unity of Nigeria.
The Igbos supported one Nigeria, and the Western region supported one Nigeria for national unity and progress, but today, that is not the case.

Many have feared that there may be ethnic war or genocide in Nigeria due to the continued tension allegedly caused by Biafra and Oduduwa agitation. The agitation for Biafra and Oduduwa Republic became so serious as 2023 Presidency draws closer.
Without a doubt, the South- East, and South- West zones have an eye for 2023 Presidency. The Igbos want the next President to come from their zone, likewise the Yorubas.
The zoning system should be constituted in Nigeria to prevent further agitations that may be power-related. It’s just a suggestion though.

To put an end to this, President Buhari who doesn’t want Nigeria to divide in his time may decide to enact a bill to favour these 2 zones come 2023 Presidential Election.
The bill would be that the Presidency and Vice should come from either of the 2 zones. With these, the 2 zones will align amicably to reach a consensus, putting an end to Biafra and Oduduwa Republic agitations.
You are welcome to drop your opinion on this.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
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