Woman Who Married Ex-Convict That Killed His Wife & Unborn Child Gets The Same Fate Years Later.
New King James Version of 2 Corinthians Chapter 5 Verse 17 says: Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
The amplified version further said: Therefore if anyone is in Christ [that is, grafted in, joined to Him by faith in Him as Savior], he is a new creature [reborn and renewed by the Holy Spirit]; the old things [the previous moral and spiritual condition] have passed away. Behold, new things have come [because spiritual awakening brings a new life].
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All these verses of the Bible quoted above point toward one thing; ‘ once, you accept Christ, you have become new. ‘ But the ultimate question is, what if Christ did not accept you? What if you are like a leopard that will never change its spots?

All these are the likely questions a woman would be asking herself now after she decided to marry an ex-convict who spent 16 years in jail for killing his wife and unborn child. She said she thought the man had changed after spending years behind bars and for accepting Christ. But a few years down the line, the same ex-convict killed all the children of the new wife.
In 1991, A man from Michigan who is identified as Gregory Green stabbed his wife in the face and chest. The wife, as at the time, was heavily pregnant with their unborn child. Then, he called 911 to inform them that he had killed his pregnant wife. He even reportedly waited for the police to come.

Gregory was thereafter sent to jail where he served about 16 years in prison for murder. However, he was released on parole with the support of family and friends, including a pastor who lobbied on his behalf and whose daughter Green later marry which became the second disaster.
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How A Pastor Secure His Released And Allows Him To Marry His Daughter
A pastor in Detroit whose name is given as Fred Harris lobbied the government of Michigan on his behalf. The pastor claimed that Gregory was his friend before he was sentenced to jail for the death of his pregnant wife. He solicited for his parole while he was in prison.
Fred Harris, the pastor who gave his daughter out

” Gregory and I were friends before his mishap and he was incarcerated, ” Fred Harris, a pastor in Detroit, wrote to the Michigan parole board in August 2005. ” He was a member of our church … I feel he has paid for his unfortunate lack of self-control and the damage he has caused as much as possible and is sorry. “
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” If he was to be released he would be welcomed as a part of our church community and whatever we could do to help him adjust, we would, ” pastor Harris said in one of his campaigns to secure the release of the convicted murderer, Gregory Green.
Green was earlier denied parole (an opportunity to be released) four times. The first was in 2004 and twice in 2006.

According to Michigan Correctional Department, his prison record provided nearly no trace of violence. No hint that years after he would be released, he would commit crimes more brutal than the first. His history while incarcerated appeared clean and almost a perfect one.
” Excellent, good block reports, good past work history, “
” He is respectful to staff and other prisoners. No minor conduct to report” reads another. “
” Green had only one misconduct while incarcerated. He was given a ticket in 2002 for getting involved in a fistfight over a television, ” Gautz said, the Michigan Correctional Department official.
All these made them release him as Green was eventually released in 2008 and later married Faith Harris, the daughter of the pastor. They had two daughters, Koi, 5, and Kaleigh, 4.
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How He Slaughtered All Their Children Again

Early in the morning of Sept. 21, 2016, after about 7 years together with the pastor’s daughter Faith Harris- Green, Gregory Green slaughtered their children and stepchildren.

The four murdered children of Faith Harris
Faith said she woke up and found herself bound with duct tape and zip ties in the basement of their home in Dearborn Heights, Michigan. She said her foot had been shot and her face slashed with a box cutter on the said date.
Her two teenage children she had in her previous marriage before she remarried the ex-convict was the first to be killed by her monster husband. Gregory Green shot them dead. Faith said she watched them die. Also, her two younger children she had with the ex-convict were dead upstairs. Those were poisoned with carbon monoxide.
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Everyone was shocked that the killer was Harris- Green’s husband, the same man whose freedom her father advocated for more than a decade ago. More shocking was the fact that Green killed those children exactly in the same pattern he killed his first wife, where he called 911 and waited for police to come. He told the 911 responder and police that he had just shot his family and they were inside the house.
Gregory Green was later sent back to prison as he received a life sentence for his crime. He’ll be 97 by the time he’s eligible for parole, according to the prosecutor’s office.
“You Will Burn In Hell” – The wife (Pastor’s daughter) Reacts
During the sentencing hearing, the court permit the wife to speak with the killer of her children before they walked him to jail.

Harris Green said to him ” You are a con artist. You are a monster. You are a devil in disguise. You are now forever exposed.
Not even torture and death would be justice. Your justice will come when you burn in Hell for all eternity for murdering four innocent children, all because you’re insecure. “
The man, Gregory Green deceived the pastor thinking that he has repented and he is now in Christ. He also deceived the pastor’s daughter to make her believed that he is now a loving father. But everything was a ploy by the monster to have another round of kills. A Leopard does not change its spots!

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
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