10 Solid Business to start in your Room with Little or no Capital.
In my last post I wrote on ENTREPRENEURIAL TRICKS ON HOW TO START SMALL-SCALE BUSINESS WITHOUT CAPITAL, well today I will be writing on 10 Solid Businesses you can start in your bedroom with little or no capital.
One thing you should keep in mind is that these top 10 business ideas have the potential of making you a rich man/woman if you can adhere to the modus operandi and ethics for growing them to mega enterprise.
You must also know that becoming a millionaire is not a sudden thing, you must have to do the work by growing your business to a point where it takes care of your bills and you make a living out of it.
In a nutshell, it takes times to grow a business, so don’t expect to start making some five figures immediately you go into these businesses.
Haven said that, consider the following 10 Solid Business you can start in your Living Room
- Recharged card Printing Business
Recharge card business have proven to be a lucrative venture people engage in to make a living in Nigeria. This business is not capital intensive, so you probably don’t have any reason not to start up this business.
Also you don’t require a shop to run this business, meaning you can operate this business from the comfort of your house. All you need is a computer, printer and internet access.
Recall in my earlier post on MY STORY column, I told a story of Adamu who made a fortune out of recharge card business.
In my next post I will discuss on ‘”STEP BY STEP PROCEDURES IN SETTING UP RECHARGE CARD PRINTING BUSINESS.” You will see how easy and lucrative this business is. I will also show you tricks on how to make more money from this business, you’ll be marveled at how much you can make doing this business.
- Selling of Mobile Data
Another good business you can go into is selling of mobile data for all networks. Now why this business is good is that, it is very flexible and less stressful. All you need is an internet on your phone and a little startup capital.
Even without a startup capital, you can run this business by way of partnership. Did I hear you say “WOW.” Yes I can show you how to start this business without capital, all you need is …
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Professional freelancer and webmaster.
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