10 Tips on How to Write a Great Business Essay

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Few people enjoy writing business essays because it is often seen as a complete task. They can’t make more time writing business easy, due to its technicality.

It takes time to write business essays, but if you follow the 10-step plan below, then it will certainly not take you months to put together the perfect piece for your colleagues, your department head or perhaps your employer. Here at www.customwritingservice.com we can explain to you more tips about writing a perfect business essay.

1. Writing an Essay Starts with Reading

You cannot write an essay without reading. The intention is that you are fully aware of the subject before you start writing an essay about it. So you always start by gathering all the information, doing research to get all the pieces complete and ensuring that you can learn everything. There is also a good chance that after submitting your essay, you will later receive questions that are not answered in your essay.

2. Analyze, Argue and Prove

It is necessary to properly analyze everything that you want to include in your essay. You cannot just copy information without being sure that the information is correct. In the second step you will analyze, argue and prove. By linking the right arguments to the information, you not only make your essay unique, but you also provide the necessary proof that the information is accurate.

Are you writing an essay about the construction of new homes? Then send a questionnaire to people who are still looking for a home. Are they satisfied with a living space of 60 square meters? How much rent would they have for this? What are the expectations of the outdoor space? Based on the answers you can substantiate matters in your essay.

3. Bring Out Your Deepest Personal Arguments

When you write an essay, you do not only have to deal with the information and opinions of others, but you also have your own opinion. It is precisely your opinion that must be clearly conveyed in your essay.

What is your specific position? What are your arguments? Record these arguments and work them out. Dig a little deeper into yourself, because with ‘I just think that’ you can of course not come on.

4. Fully Elaborate the Main Argument

Multiple arguments are always good, but you don’t have to figure them all out in your essay. Describe the arguments with a brief explanation and determine which argument stands out the most? Which argument is the most unique and most appealing to you? Choose this argument and only fully work out this argument.

5. The Layout of Your Essay

In an essay you are not allowed to jump from the heel to the branch. A logical course must be applied. You need a sharp structure that always encourages the reader to continue reading. Start with a preface and divide the rest of your essay into clear chapters.

Divide the chapters into legible paragraphs and work with subtitles. It is good to make titles and subtitles clear, but not so clear that all information from the piece is already summarized in it.

When you do this, the reader will make it easy for himself and only read the headlines. Sin of all your work! Make sure that the reader wonders what you actually mean by the (sub) title, so that the reader likes to continue reading.

6. We Will Start Writing!

Step 6 is the step in which you can finally take a pen and paper (or a computer) to start writing. You start with the introduction. The introduction must be short and to the point, powerful and catchy. It is not the intention to write an introduction of 1,000 words. Brief introductions are preferred.

In addition, the introduction must be designed in such a way that the reader becomes enthusiastic. Discuss your statement in the introduction to your essay and make your text catchy enough. In your introduction you must do everything you can to prevent the reader from putting it away immediately.

7. The Design of Your Chapters

First, write down the chapters that jump in your mind. Then take a critical look at this list of chapter titles and delete all titles that are not necessary. This way you can limit the number of chapters. First write the title per chapter.

Below the title you place a few footnotes that show which matters are discussed in the chapter. You then work out these footnotes in the text of your chapter, in well-arranged paragraphs. Make sure that the paragraphs remain concrete and concise.

8. Give Your Essay a Final Word

The final word is very important. What is your conclusion really? In the final word you indicate the added value of your essay. What do you want to achieve with this and what should the reader know about the subject?

Before you started writing your essay you asked yourself a question and with the essay you answer this. Clearly describe this answer (the conclusion) in your final word and describe it concisely.

9. Adding Sources

The information that you used to write your essay did not just fall out of the blue. You got it from somewhere. Which sources have helped you to make your essay so clear, complete and strong? These sources must be stated, even if you have not copied the information one-on-one, but have rewritten it to a certain extent. Source references must not be missing.

10. Test Reading and Correction

Your essay is now ready, but this does not mean that it is also ready to be submitted. It is important to read the whole thing over again. If possible, also ask someone at www.tutor.com to help you out . These people see errors that you do not see yourself. Give each test reader a copy and let them indicate corrections. You then collect the essays from the test readers and start working with them.

Here is an infographic that can help you write a better essay.

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