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9 Posts
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There are some habits generally carried out by people that influence how your body age.  Such activities or practice include diet, smoking, sun exposure and exercise. These generally affect how you live daily. These activities include:

1. Insufficient Sleep: Sleeping regularly and effectively can help in hormone regulation, muscle recovery, memory development and proper metabolism function while sleep deprivation can cause weight gain, anxiety, depression which can all trigger hypertension, diabetes and heart disease.

2. Taking Sugar substances: The increase in sugar molecules can cause increase in collagen and elastin, this increases inflammation in the skin. These are proteins necessary for keeping the skin firm and young.

3. Fried foods consumption: The intake of excess fried foods causes free radicals to be released which are primary trigger for ageing. This further causes wrinkles in the skin and various heart disease conditions.

4. Lack of exercise: A 30 minutes moderate walk increases health which are necessary to decrease bad cholesterol, protect the heart, improve insulin sensitivity and strengthens bones in the body.

5. Not eating green vegetables and fruits: These vegetables and vitamins contain vital vitamins and minerals that are needed for proper functioning of the body. An increase intake of vegetables can lead to lowest risk of mortality.

6. Eating red meat: From a study carried out, there is a connection between increased meat consumption and early death. From a recent study done, it is shown that the consumption of fruit and veggies causes a 15% lower risk of mortality.

7. Always stressed out: This causes increase in cortisol release which is a stress hormone, this can further increase blood pressure, causes chest pain, slower metabolism, Increased weight gain which are all age related conditions.

8. Taking too many fats: Foods rich in Trans fats can clog in the arteries causing increase in inflammation. This can lead to a condition known as atherosclerosis which can cause coronary artery disease. Also, diabetes mellitus can be triggered by this

9. Smoking: Toxins (nicotine) from smoke causes narrowing of blood vessels because vital nutrients can reach the epidermis, this causes wrinkling on the skin. Also, lung cancer and heart disease are common with people that constantly smoke for long.

10. Too much sun exposure: Sun damage to the skin causes loss of collagen and elastin which triggers wrinkling and ageing. This further causes skin cancer, fatal melanoma. It is advisable to use creams that have SPF of at least 30 every day.

11. Sitting a lot: The practice of everyday sedentary /inactive lifestyle at least 8 hours per day causes increased premature death by 60%, this later leads to heart disease and cancer. This slow blood circulation causes poor sugar regulation, increased cholesterol level which is all age related disease


This topic was modified 3 years ago 3 times by Gorgeousg

Pharm G

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 23

I think I'm vey guity of the 9th sin, I smoke and have been finding a way to stop it, can you assist?

The guy next door

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@Tony, the best way to avoid addiction  to smoking  is by staying  away from triggers such as not being around environment  where people  smoke or avoiding friends  that smoke.

Also, nicotine replacement  medications that comes as tablets, chewing gums or patches can be used to reduce the cravings for cigarettes.

Of course, you have  to  make up your mind to quit fully, so get busy by doing things you love, exercise more, eat well and record your success on a daily basis. Be around  people that brings out the best in you.

I hope these helps....

Pharm G

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 23

@gorgeousg thanks for the heads-up, will try some of the things you've shared. 

I was thinking of using e-cigarettes are they save?

The guy next door

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@tony I cant say about that for now, but you can see a specialist on that

Pharm G

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 23

@gorgeousg ok thanks, do you have any specialist I can contact via phone, I stay in Lagos.

The guy next door

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@tony would check and revert

Pharm G

Joined: 3 years ago
Posts: 19

Taking Sugar substances

Yes I do this a lot, just love ice cream and chocholate, how can I stop all these?

Joined: 4 years ago
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@alexia, Its all about discipline. You know the implications of taking sugary things, so you just try and avoid it.

Pharm G
