Covid-19 – Imam Flogged in Public By Emir for Holding Prayers in Mosque

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Imam Flogged in Public
Imam Flogged in Public

Imam Flogged in Public By Emir for Holding Prayers in Mosque.

Today, Emir of Azare, Bauchi state, directed his Dogaris (palace guards) to publicly flog an Imam who held mosque prayers with more than 10 people, violating the social distancing directive.

According tot reports, the Imam conducted a jam packed mosque prayers and this resulted in the Emir giving the order for him to be publicly flogged to serve as a scape goat to others.

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The emir of Azare, Bauchi state, directed his Dogaris (palace guards) to mete out instant punishment to any Imam who held mosque prayers with more than 10 people and did not maintain any social distancing. One Imam thought he was above the law held prayers in a jam-packed mosque,

Imam Flogged
From Toktok9ja Media

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