“I Had An Encounter With Satan, And He Told Me God Will Be Ending His Time Soon”- Father Chad Ripperger Narrated.
During an exorcism session, Satan told a famed American exorcist that God was ready to ” take my power away. “
Father Chad’s Encounter With Satan
Fr. Chad Ripperger said in a podcast interview last week that he ” commanded” the spirit to explain his actions. The demon, whom Ripperger identified as Beelzebub, began to weep, acknowledging that God is about to end his control over Church affairs, according to Ripperger.
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Because he didn’t have his ” bishop’ s authority to discuss” the inner workings of the case, the priest stated he couldn’t go into depth about the reasons for the possession. He explained that the demonic attack was prompted by ” some difficulties within the Church. “

Ripperger argues that God’s diabolical admission that the fallen angels have limited power over Church issues will have ramifications on a broader ” geopolitical situation via the application. “
On the U. S. Grace Force podcast, hosted by Doug Barry and Fr. Richard Heilman, the diabolical’ s influence on politics was discussed. The trio examined the Catholic Church’s problem, which Ripperger referred to as ” this darkness that we are witnessing, ” as well as the global presence of Marxist theory in government.
The exorcist claimed that communism has spread over the world, as shown by the fact that ” the deep state worldwide was able to shut down the worldwide economy in less than two weeks, ” according to him.
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The onset of global lockdowns at the start of the stated epidemic proved to Ripperger that a Marxist influence had resulted in a ” managing of the narrative” that arbitrated COVID- 19 messages.
Ripperger has published significantly in the field of human psychology, in addition to his spiritual and theological competence. In the interview, he stated that his work with possessed persons drove him to research psychology as a means of better assisting those who came to him. As a result, he gave a series of talks about ” how satanic psychology and communist psychology are practically the same. “

Ripperger said it ” dawned” on him recently that the ” structure” of how today’s governments and devils deal with people is similar to an ” abusive relationship. ” He cited psychology textbooks that discuss ” the structure of domestic abuse cases, ” claiming that ” gaslighting” is a form of abusive behavior.
Gaslighting is defined as psychologically influencing someone into doubting their own sanity. Demons and governments, like an abusive spouse, achieve this, according to Ripperger, by making false statements to the abused and then punishing the individual for not accepting the lie with abusive actions
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Father Chad Ripperger’s White Supremacy Belief
One example of gaslighting, according to Ripperger, is the usage of the phrase ” white supremacist” as a derogatory term to characterize someone who has never engaged in racist conduct. When the person is forced to defend oneself against unverified claims of racism, they are ” gaslit. “
Government action, according to the exorcist, is proof of ” panic, ” because ” they’ re just doing anything they can, as soon as they can without thinking. ” He compared the fear he witnessed in government affairs to the panic he witnessed in the demon he was attempting to exorcise. Officials in the government and the Church, according to Ripperger, ” tend to overextend themselves” because ” they are getting hasty. . . they feel their time is running out and so they have to ‘ do something. ‘ “
He continued, ” This fear that we’ re seeing. . . they’re genuinely scrambling [in] the geopolitical situation. . . and even to some degree within the Church. “
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” Because the demons are aware that their time is limited, they are attempting to stifle anything. As a result, we’ll begin to see governments become increasingly despotic. This is a sign that they’re trying to be too clever because they’re so bluffing. They’re lying because they have a limited amount of time. “
Even with the dissolution of any spiritual dictatorship, Ripperger did not propose that society and the Church would experience immediate peace or order. ” Evil doesn’t go away softly, ” he added, ” it stomps like a baby, you know a violent child. “
When asked how laypeople might prepare to ” truly bunker down and fight in this battle, ” Ripperger said Catholics should stay ” under Our Lady’s mantle, having a great devotion to her, asking for her protection. “
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