“I’m responding to my husband, the man who said he married me & took me to America & i insisted on working despite his refusals, my story is a long one. i intend to clear my name & detaily explained how everything happened & i hope that you be patient enough to read. So, it all started when i, just finished school & this woman, a friend of my mom’s asked that i come to her place, When i got there, she told mehow she has watch me grown & was impressed by my attitude & pleaded that, she’ll love for me to marry her son. My mom, infact my parents & the whole family was in support of it, they all pleaded that i consider her decision. I however, decided to give it a try.
READ: I met her when I had nothing, she took me as I am & with her moral support, she mold me into a successful man
So, we connected on social media, exchanged contacts did voice & video calls. He seemed to be a nice person. We both liked each other. A date for the wedding was set on a December 22nd, he came & everything was finalized. After wedding, it’s true that, i refused getting pregnant for him, cuz i insisted on us being on birth control. Actually, I’ve witnessed & seen a lot of cases where, this guys come from abroad, get marry to a lady & only come home to get them pregnant & go back while always complaining about their papers not being ready, there by turning their wifes into a bàby màkin màch!né & finally leave them frústr@t3d with may be 3 or 4kids. i just wasn’t ready to take any chances, by so doing, my husband was f0rc3d to get more serious & speed up in processing my papers so i could join him abroad. Luckily my papers were ready in a few months & i finally joined him in the States. This is were, the pr0bl3ms all started..
While abroad for just 4 weeks. I noticed that, my husband doesn’t like me going out, all he wants is that i sit put at home & wait for him, he doesn’t even like me talking to neighbors. He asks me to make a list of food items i might be needing, for a week or 2, takes the list to the market himself, buys & stocks the kitchen with enough grosseries, that can last at least a week or 2. I stayed in America for over a year stuck in my husband’s house, the only time that i leave the house is when he takes me out during the weekend to have a few drinks & catch some fun. For over a year, I kept pleading with my husband to grant me permission to start working & earning something, no matter how little to at least earnable me help my pó0r parents & siblings back home & not run to him for everything.
Pls, note that, I’m first child, my siblings, are all school dropped out, my parents had to put all their resources & savings on me to see me through school. In which i finally graduated as a nurse. So, I really feel bad when my parents or siblings, need or ask me for help & I’m unable to do anything about it, cuz i fully depend on my husband for everything whom, i run to most times to tell about my family pr0bl3ms but he doesn’t react ontime or at all with the excuse of that, he forgot. Well, On a very faithful day, Luckily for me, after so much pressure & pleads, my husband finally accepted that, i can be going out for sport every morning & run around the neighborhood. In the cause of that
I was so lucky to have met some few very good friends whom introduced me to their other friends & that’s when I, started asking questions. Sometimes they come around the house when my husband is obviously at work & we’ll chat, That’s just how, i was enlightened on so many things i had no clue of here abroad. These same friends, even helped to secure me a job in a certain hospital to work as a nurse. I was so excited that told my husband but he, forbided me taking the job, saying he didn’t bring me to America to work but that he, brought me to be his wife, take care of his home, make babies & certainly take care of them & also make his meals. Insisting that, it’s what a good wife does & that i must respect his decision as the chief commander of the house. Really, i was sh0cked & disappointed hearing these words come out of my husband’s m0úth
However I ignored & also insisted on working, hoping that he’ll come around. The week i started work, he started refusing to eat my food nor talk to me i still, ignored & kept acting like everything was ok. This went on for about 2 weeks & he suddenly came around. This man patiently waited when it was Christmas Holiday, he cajoled me into believing that, we were going home to spend the holidays & celebrate with family & old friends. When we arrived the country , he took me back to my parents & when holidays were over he abandoned me in the village & took a flight back to the States. I guess he wanted to teach me a léss0n & probably brk me. I spend almost 2 months in the village. Thank God, i still had my phone, i communicated with some friends whom sympathized, helped me & i was able to book a flight back to America.
For 6 months, my husband had no clue i was back in the states, he probably thought i was still in the village. I guess someone told him i was back & he came were i work to see things for himself. I could see the shóck, àngér & disappointment 0n his face when he saw me. Few weeks later, he asked me for a dvos, saying that I’m stúbb0rn & disobedient to him & that my family is in support of my bad béh@v0ur. He has been insisting that, my family refunds every díme, he spend on me as “dowry”.. Can you belive that, this man has been sending me thré@ds of late. Asking me to leave America, saying that he p!ckéd me from the gútters & doesn’t want to see me in America, According to him, he was the one that, brought me to here in the first place & if not for him, i would never have dreamed of coming to America.
To be honest, I was sh0ckéd that my husband came public with this issue, well, i guess, according to him, he wants to xp0se & émbàrr@s me, Derick! You’ve t0rmented me enough, can you imagine that, this man, also blames me for our childlessness, acçúss!n me of m3ss¡n up my womb, God knows I’ve never indulged in such, several test carried out on me proves that, I’m ok but, he refuse doing his own tests, insisting that he is ok cuz he once impregnated a girl in his school days but he wasn’t ready for a child then & had her do away with it. Cuz he once got a girl pregnant he keeps insisting the fault is mine
Well Derick, I’m so happy to brk this news to you. Your dvos pappers have bn signed. Yes!, I’ve found someone so sweet & a million times béttér than you. I’m a month gone for him & we’re getting married in 2 months & guess what, you’re invited. We’ll be so delighted to see you at our wedding. You asked that, your “Dowry” be refunded, well, I’ve talked to my family, everything will be refunded in full payment anytime that you’re ready. You also, insist that i leave the States cuz you do not want to see me here, I pr0misé you!, if you continue like this. I’ll be forced to Dial 9I1 & you sure do know what will happen, pls do not push me any further! ..”

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
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