Is this Fiction or Real? Live Mermaid Found Washed Off the Shores of India

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Live Mermaid Found Washed Off the Shores of India

Is this Fiction or Real? Live Mermaid Found Washed Off the Shores of India.

Have you seen a live mermaid before? Well, today is your lucky day.

Video of an alleged live mermaid creature rumored to have been washed off the shores of India is making rounds online with so many reactions from social media users.

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Mermaid is said to be creatures that live inside the ocean or water. They have the physical characteristic of a female human being but from their waist down is a tail of a fish.

It is also said that mermaid is very beautiful and possess fetish powers that can hypnotize a man who sees them.

Live Mermaid Found Washed Off the Shores of India

They are said to have appeared in Near East, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

In Africa mermaid is referred to as “mammy water”, and so many tells have been told about a mermaid and how they exist among humans in some part of Nigeria.

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I don’t know how true this is, but a friend of mine said that in one of the states in Nigeria (Name of the State Withheld) a mermaid (mammy water) usually comes out from the river on a certain day to buy things in the market.

Live Mermaid Found Washed Off the Shores of India

According to my friend, it is forbidden for the villagers to look at the mermaid when she comes out of the river to buy stuff from the market.

This is just what I heard, it might just be another fairy tale, or should I say tales by moonlight.

So this video I stumbled on actually looks real, but it might also be a fiction or video shooting of a movie.

In the video can be seen a creature in golden colour with a lady’s facial look from head to waist, down from the waist is a tail of fish.

Live Mermaid Found Washed Off the Shores of India

Spectators can also be seen speaking in Hindi while taking pictures of the creature which is still alive.


Now the ball is in your court, is this video real or fiction?

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