My calaber girl secondary school crush – Winnie and our little love story.
Calabar girls are said to be homely, good in bed, and can take care of a man. This is not far from the truth; I have had my fair share, trust me, they are good. However this short story is not meant to spike anyone, it’s just an experience I recently had and want to share with you guys.
Winnie happens to be one of my old schoolmates, far back when we were in secondary school, and she is from Akwa Ibom State, a Calaber girl.
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We attended the same secondary school, but we were not in the same class. Our relationship back then was platonic, just the hello and hi, we weren’t too close.
Back then she used to be one of the serious girls, always dressing neatly, obeying the rules and regulations and all that. She was even the class rep then and subsequently became the White house captain when we became seniors.
On the other side of the coin, I was the opposite, I love hanging out with the big boys breaking all the rules, and you know the drill, so we were not compatible.
They say good girls like bad guys, but Winnie was different, she only hanged out with the good guys and I was not her favourite.
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Some years later after we left secondary school and preceded to high institutions, I bumped into Winnie at a shopping mall in Lagos, and as usual, we exchanged pleasantries and she told me she was working with Samsung as one of their agents.
I think she was doing her internship then, and I was also doing my internship with a construction company.
We exchanged contacts, but we never spoke since then until recently.
To be frank with you guys, I liked Winnie during our secondary school days, I mean everyone liked her, she was the kind of girl you’ll want to have, she was brilliant and one of the top in our set, but the new Winnie I saw at the mall was different. She was aging and it showed all over her.
After some years later, I saw a message on my Facebook, “Hi longest time, how have you been?”
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I checked closely, it was Winnie.
It was surprising; I mean ever since we exchanged numbers a long time ago, she was just chatting me up.
I know I should have been the one to first send her a message or something after we exchanged numbers, but I wasn’t really into her again after we left school. My perception of women had changed and she was way out of my league.
So I replied “I’m doing pretty great”, and she said “can I call you on the phone?”, this was like 10 pm.
I told her no problem she can call.
Some minutes later, she called my line and I picked.
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She sounded so different on phone. She was so free and jovial, unlike the Winnie I knew back in school that was always keeping to herself.
She asked me if I was married, and I said no. She asked me if she was free to call me at any time, and I said yes.
She asked me if I was free to hang out and stuffs like that, and I said yes.
We spoke for close to an hour before we finally said goodnight.
I must tell the truth, I enjoyed the conversation, and I was so impressed with how she has changed. This Calaber girl was now different.
So many thoughts came crossing my mind, what is she really up to with all that questions?
Another thought told me to just play along and see how it turns out.
I was eager to see the ending of the conversation, and as they say, two can play the game.
The second day Winnie called again...CLICH HERE TO FINISH READING

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
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