Cyprus is one destination where students all over the word pursue academic ambition. The small Island produces magnificent sets of graduates from all works of life which puts it on radar as one of the best educational destination for intending diaspora students.
The whole idea of diaspora connect (DC) originated from Cyprus and the need to have students who graduated from various educational institutes in the Island to connect and stay in touch. Diaspora Connect (DC) has encouraged a handful of students across the world to share their story, experience, and advice. The stories shared on this platform inspire other colleagues out their pursuing academic excellence to become useful instrument in the society, thus making their country and family back home proud.
Salim Hamza Ringim is a household name when referring to diaspora students of Nigerian heritage that have attained academic excellence.
Salim, was born on 21 June 1987, a native of Jigawa State of Nigeria, he did his primary and secondary schools at Federal Government College Kano, and proceeded to Saadatu Rimi College of Education Kano were he obtain National Certificate of Education (NCE) in Economics/Geography.
Salim forged ahead to acquire undergraduate and masters in economics at Eastern Mediterranean University Cyprus (EMU), and he’s currently pursuing his PhD in economics at EMU.
One outstanding quality about Salim is unique leadership skill, a testament of many achievements during his reign as the President of Student’s Union Government (SUG) Saadatu Rimi College of Education and the Chairman of Kano State SUG Presidents forum (2009-2011).
It is also worthy to note that Salim was the President Nigeria Student’s Society (NSS) Eastern Mediterranean University Cyprus (2014-2015), Senate President at National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) Turkish Zone (2014-2015), and the President NANS Turkish Zone(2015-2016).
What an accomplishment you would say, deserving many accolades.
Salim joins the train of accomplished students with verse experience who studied overseas in encouraging other students to stand-firm and hold on to their academics which is the key and the reason of traveling so far from home to accomplish.
My name is Salim Hamza Ringim, I was thrilled and excited when I gained admission to study my desired course overseas, though Nigeria is a wonderful place to stay and study, but there are still loopholes in our University system which needs to be handled. “Our Educational System in Nigeria needs to be overhauled.”
Though the language barrier is one aspect that students find challenging when they conceive the thoughts of schooling abroad, mine was an exception, the school I study at and currently doing my PhD, ‘Eastern Mediterranean University Cyprus’ is an English speaking institution, so it made things easier and the language barrier was not an issue at all.
Most students find it difficult to adapt to the environment especially the cold weather, but it get better every day, I had that experience at the earlier stage and it’s something you’ll have to anticipate if you wish to school here.
Like I mentioned earlier, Nigeria is a wonderful place to pursue your academics, but Cyprus Educational System is far better than ours, they are more organized and all the necessary materials to study are made handy.
I wish to pass a message across, please to other colleagues schooling abroad regardless of the Country, Cyprus, America, Russia, England, kindly make maximum use of the opportunity, not only on academics but also try exploring other legitimate opportunities within the country you are schooling.
I don’t believe the dream greener land is outside the shores of Nigeria, though it’s good to get the best education outside the shores, what really matters is hard work and determination. Statistics even shows that most peoples who schooled in Nigeria are more successful than others who schooled in abroad.
Determination and hard work are the keywords.
Finally, my advice to Nigerian Ministry of Education is to try and upgrade our education system to the global standard. So we can complete with other countries around the world.
Salim intends returning back home after PhD to Lecture in a Nigerian University.
By: Abel Wealth

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
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