Reports on How Some Parents Ruin Their Children’s Future.
Good day, hope you are doing fine and staying safe at your end, I want to use this medium to tell everyone what happened at my school today. I teach at a Private Secondary School in Lagos (Name Withheld).
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So today being the First day of resumption, we also resumed school activities. We didn’t really do much. Today was just revision of last terms work, giving scheme of work to students and introduction to second terms work.
At around 12noon, I was teaching Jss1 Class. And as I was teaching, a boy named Innocent threw his maths note to a girls table. I saw it and didn’t like the fact the he was disrupting my class by throwing notes to his classmate
so I seized the note. When the class ended, I carried the note to return to the boy then a small paper fell from the book. Apparently he had written an Erotic Letter and hide it inside the Maths Note for the girl to read.
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In the Note, He wrote…
Dear Ann
I like you very much.
I like watching Porn.
Come to the toilet and I will show you some girls that are sexing boys on phone.
E.g Britney White…Anika Albright.
Come alone during break time.
Don’t tell anybody.
From Innocent.
After reading, I became so shocked that an 11yrs old boy could write such a thing with names of strange people. Apparently those names are names of Adult Film Entertainers (Porn Stars).
I called the boy, questioned him, and gave him just 5 strokes of the Cane because our Principal has told us to cane only on the hands or buttocks of any child.
After 30mins, the Mother called me on phone and started insulting, abusing me. Saying all sort of things that why did I cane her child? For what? I told her what he did and she was like…”And So…And So….Is Innocent the first person to do such a thing….And so” I was so shocked.
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The next thing, My principal sent for me asking me why I caned the boy. I told him what he did and showed him the letter. He was shocked. As we were talking, the boys mother called and was shouting on the phone saying she will deal with me for beating her child. In her words…
“Why did that teacher beat my Son. What did he do?…And so?…Is that what my self and my husband are paying over N350K as School fees per term for? It’s either, you sack that teacher or I withdraw all my children from that school.”
My Principal explained to her what her son did yet she kept on ranting on the phone even after my principal sent her the Erotic Note via WhatsApp.
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After an hour, a driver came to pick up the boy around 1 pm. He didn’t even stay till the closing of school today which was 3 pm.
My Principal then warned me seriously that from today henceforth, even if I catch students misbehaving or even having sex with themselves, I should pretend as if I didn’t see them.
According to him, he said he needs the school fees they are bringing to the School.
I just got home now but I’m so pissed and angry. Right now, I’m done with teaching. I’m not going there tomorrow. It’s getting too much.
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Parents don’t train their children well and when teachers do the job for them, they fight us and school owners support them all because of MONEY.
My co-teacher always says to me:
“Bro, calm down. School owners don’t care about the well-being of the students. School is a business and they must make a Profit. If you get in their way of getting money from parents too much, they sack u immediately. That’s the truth. School is a Business. They are Entrepreneurs”…
I’m not surprised why there is a high rate of Criminal behaviour among youths in the society today.
Charity begins at home.
Children are spoiling every day under the noses of their parents yet their parents don’t stop or discipline them. It is sad.
If you don’t discipline them now, is it when they enter University you will start what you should have done years ago.
Let’s have your opinion on this.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
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