See why judge sentenced 24 year old beauty queen to death

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A 24-year-old Kenyan beauty queen, Ruth Kamande has been sentenced to death for murdering her boyfriend by stabbing him 25 times.Kamamde, who won a prison beauty pageant while awaiting trial, was said to have shown no remorse for the vicious attack which left “blood all over” the crime scene.

The judge, Jessie Lesiit, while giving the sentence said:

“I want young people to know that it is not cool to kill your boyfriend or girlfriend even where you feel disappointed or frustrated – don’t do it.

“Instead, it is cool to walk away and thereafter to forgive.”

“I think passing any other sentence than the one prescribed death would turn the accused into a hero.”

However Amnesty International has described the judgement as “cruel, outdated and inhumane.”
The human rights organisation’s director Irungu Houghton said: “This sentence is a blow to Kenya’s progressive record in commuting death sentences to terms of imprisonment.”

From Toktok9ja Media

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