“Sense No Go Kill This Guy” As Lady Narrates Her Experience With Man Who Brought N200 to A Date.
Nigerians have reacted to a lady who narrated her experience on a blind date with an unknown guy.
According to the lady who goes by the name @TheOnlyKemi on Twitter, she and the man had met at an eatery and after talking for several hours without making an order, she told him that she was hungry.
The man revealed that he brought 200 naira with him. He added that he had only wanted to see her face, and wasn’t prepared for the date.
Kemi revealed that she decided to make an order only for herself and since she was no longer responding to him, he stood up and left.
“He told me to meet him at ICM, we talked for over 2hours, when I saw that baba wasn’t saying anything about ordering food, I said I was hungry.
He told me that he didn’t come prepared, said he only has 200 naira on him that should he get me water. I off
Worst date experience
I got food and he was so embarrased, he started begging me not to be offended that he just wanted to see my face, in my mind.. what happened to video call? Anyways I was eating my food and when he saw I wasn’t taking to him.. he left. I took my time and enjoyed my date alone
While at it, another guy approached me.. paid for my meals and even ordered more, we saw a movie together and he paid my Uber back home.. Told him about the previous guy and he couldn’t stop laughing, well it turned out well after all. We joke about it from time to time”
Some social media users who reacted to the post said the guy was wise to spend a dim on the girl, he obviously wanted to see how she looks first before spending any money, you won’t blame him, with the high rise of girls disguising their true looks using makeup.
Here are some Reactions from social media users:
Sense won’t kill the guy
He had to see her face first and after analysis he knew she wasn’t his spec or something was off
Best way to ghost on a girl is tell her straight up you don’t have money.. her attitude would change and she would run off
The day you learn to say No, or I don’t have money to ladies without feeling bad, that day you have earned a medal, nobody pays my bill or hustle for me
Imagine a relationship with someone that can’t offer you food or drinks out of courtesy even if you were truly broke, and such relationship ends up in a marriage… You are finished
Another person said:
Damnnn niggar
And the other idiot walked in started laughing and paying her food bills …
Me nor dey go on date! I dey craze! Date kill you there
Come my house make we do the date for house..cook and eat…The first thing I dey discuss with woman na baby girl which of this food do you know how to cook very well…as in if I should taste it I will lick my elbow
Then maybe she will reply okro and eba
Then boom I will ask her how much will it cost to prepare okro soup and eba for two people
She willl say probably 4k….
Okay baby girl I want to have a taste of okro and eba prepared by you…The warey will say haba I’m not your wife na and you just met me…..a real niggarrr will reply common baby girl I like you that is why I want to eat the food cooked by you…
The warey will smile thinking I truely love her!If her mind dey she go come cook am but if her mind nor dey she nor go come…..if she nor come I move on to the next woman with the same method
The third person said:
So the man has 200 and you order food for yourself alone , and you are busy saying small girl big God ..
Tomorrow you would be saying our cars, our house,common food you have started snubbingAnyway thank God for quiet lady Big Girl Big God.

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“Sense No Go Kill This Guy” As Lady Narrates Her Experience With Man Who Brought N200 to A Date.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
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