I wish to refer to my earlier post on “THE RELEVANCE OF BLOGGING IN THE 21 CENTURY” where i defined the term Blog, Bloggers and blogging. There I talked detailed about the origin of blogging and its significance and importance in present time. It is assumed we all know what a blog is, just in case you are not familiar with the term “Blog, Blogging Bloggers, you can refer to that article.
It is very important to read my earlier article on “THE RELEVANCE OF BLOGGING IN THE 21 CENTURY” as this will give you a background on key terms and a proper understanding.
Moving on, now what does it really take to own a blog?
I know this question seem challenging, you do probably think you have to be a computer wizard to own or run a successful blog. I couldn’t agree less, when I first started I knew very little about codding and web development.
All I had was determination, a few computer skills and a mind to write and impact my generation while expressing myself. Now the story is different, I own three successful blogs and have co-founded a handful of others.
What I’m saying here is that, all you need to own a blog is determination, passion for writing, learning and some basic computer skills.
Like I said, I never knew how to code or set up a website or blog. In fact my first blog was created by a friend, but with I did tutor myself from online research and blogs.
I learnt by reading online articles just like the one you are reading now. I also visit so many blogs to understand it’s designed and contributed by asking questions.
Also read: Start Small and Grow Big In Business by Abel Wealth
Note: “You can never be a successful blogger without learning from other web developers” just as you can never have traffic on your blog if you don’t visit other people’s blog and contribute by commenting.
It’s as plain and truthful as it can be. To be a successful blogger, you have to learn from others. For you to have tons of traffic no your site, you’ll have to contribute by commenting and asking questions on other websites.
I will write on STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE IN SETTING UP YOUR FIRST BLOG on my next post, here I will show you how to create a website using Blogger and WordPress.
Are you lost?
Let me help you out, now I know you’re confused when I mentioned Blogger and WordPress, well you should be.
That’s the essence of this article, to expose you to the criteria of owning a blog. I would state and try to explain them as I can.
Things you Need to consider before Setting up a blog
Yes we are back to the term Blogger and Wordpress. You need to know which of the platform you want to use in creating your blog. Most young bloggers usually use “Blogger” because it is easy to use and totally free.
“Blogger” is a platform owned by Google and is easy to use compared to WordPress which is more complex and require some experience.
I started blogging using “Blogger” before moving to wordpress. I must really confess, my experience using “Blogger” made switching to wordpress a piece of cake. I will also write in my future post HOW TO SWITCH FROM BLOGGER TO WORDPRESS.
Blogger is also free and straight forward, all you need is basic knowledge of computer and off you go. I would write on “HOW TO SET UP A BLOGGER BLOG IN ONE MUNITE” in my future post.
On the other side, WordPress is the in-thing when you talk about blogging and tweaking. Unlike “Blogger”, it gives you access to the panel of your site and plugins. You can configure your site to be or look like anything you can ever imaging with over one million plugins and themes.
Yes I said over one million plugins and themes.
I know you probably don’t understand the terms plugins and theme in web development. Not to worry, I will write on “HOW TO WORK WITH PLUGINS AND THEMES ON WORDPRESS” in my further post. Before then, I will also show you “HOW TO SET UP A WORDPRESS BLOG WITHOUT SWEAT” on my next post. Always ensure to check this column for new article as I promise to update regularly.
Moving on, now you see the difference between “Blogger and WordPress.” So if you are looking at setting up a simple blog where you just want to share your experiences, you can use Blogger, but if you’re looking at setting up a mega site with so many features, plugins and tweaking, then wordpress is where you want to be.
I personally advise newbies to use “Blogger” platform for setting up their website. You can always switch to WordPress when you are conversant with using Blogger.
Domain Name refers to the address of your website or blog. Just like www.abelwealth.toktok9ja.com, it is the address people will enter on a search engine or internet to locate my website.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
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