Xenophobic Attacks, MTN Closes Stores & Service Centres in Nigeria

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In fear of more rephrasal attacks, the management of MTN Nigeria have resorted to closing down it’s stores and services centres across Nigeria till further notice.

Recall last night angry Nigerian youths attacked Shoprite in Lagos which led to looting and destruction of properties. Twelve suspects have been arrested so far in connection with the attacks, as Lagos State Government condemns it.

Also in another development, security agents have repelled an attack on Shoprite located at Jabi Abuja this morning.

Both Shoprite and MTN are establishment owned by South Africa Government.

While reacting to the xenophobic attacks in South Africa, the CEO MTN Nigeria condemned the attacks, stressing that MTN seeks to connect people by providing a platform for everyone’s voice to be heard.


From Toktok9ja Media

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