10 Signs That Proofs A Person Truly Loves You.
Last week, a lady asked me how she will know that a guy truly loves her. She’s not the only one that had asked me that question. People, especially ladies, ask me this question a lot.
So, I decided not to answer her alone but to turn her question into an article so other people can benefit from it.
When someone truly loves you, there are signs and pointers that shows that, and when the person doesn’t love you, there are signs and pointers too that shows it.
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Love is a strong feeling you have towards someone or that someone has towards you. Love has to do with feelings, affection. Now, this feeling of affection expresses itself in words and actions.
Maybe you are in a relationship right now with someone and you’re in doubt or confused whether or not the person truly loves you, this article is for you. Read on.
1. Attention
Does the person give you attention or you’re the one always asking and demanding attention?
We give attention to something or someone that interests us. We don’t waste our time on someone or something we’re not interested in. So, when someone often gives you his or her attention, it’s a sign of interest or love.
That guy that has been eyeing you, always looking for your attention, that lady showing green light is a sign.
2. Care
Another word for care is maintenance, upkeep, or treatment. So, when someone loves you, the person will show care. He will take you as his responsibility. She will show concern about your well-being.
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Someone that has nothing for you, doesn’t care, they just want to eat you and go but someone that cares will provide you with things necessary for your maintenance, upkeep, and treatment. He or she will provide to the best of his or her ability.
3. Respect
Respect means to have or show regard for someone, his personality, opinion, and decisions.
So, does your partner respects you, does he show regard for your person, opinion, and decisions? Does she treat you anyhow? Respect or lack of it is a sign.
4. Give
Giving is also a sign. The Bible said that God so loved the world and He gave His only Son, Jesus.
When someone loves you, he will give you something. He will give you his money, gifts, time, company, and even himself. Vice versa.
5. Sacrifice
Sacrifice has always been the true mark of true love. Love is selfless. Love spends itself at the expanse of the person loved.
How often does he go out of his way because of you? How often does he or she sacrifice his comfort because of you? Now that you are still struggling to start life as a guy, can she endure and build a life with you? So, check it. Sacrifice is a sign.
6. Protection
We protect our own. We protect someone or something we consider important to us. Does he protect you from harm, his unruly family members, friends?
When there’s love, there will be protection. God protects us from the onslaught of the devil because He loves us.
7. Jealousy
Jealousy is a sign too. When guys are coming around you as a lady wanting to toast you, how does your guy react? Does he show concern that someone may take you from him or he doesn’t send you?
When someone loves you, he will guard and protect you from being taken by someone else. He will react and fight to win you over. Vice versa.
8. Forgiveness
Forgiveness means to release the anger, hatred, and resentment you have against someone because of what he did to you.
Forgiveness is not easy especially when you did nothing wrong before the person wronged you, like cheating on you when you have been faithful to him.
When someone easily forgives you despite your wrongdoing, it’s a sign of you. Don’t take it for granted. Don’t think you deserve it. Forgive is a sign.
9. Tolerance
Tolerance means the ability to endure or to be patient with something or someone that’s not pleasant it may be pain, hardship, or misbehavior.
So, when someone loves you, he should be able to tolerate your foolishness, weaknesses, shortcomings, and iberiberism.
This does not mean that you go on to be foolish or to misbehave, no. It means that while the person is tolerant and patient with you, you work on your weaknesses and shortcomings because tolerance and patience have a limit. I have a limit of what I can endure. We are not God that His mercies endure forever.
10. Vulnerability
Vulnerability is a state of being weak, defenseless, helpless, unprotected, unguarded, etc. It’s also a condition of releasing yourself to someone. Love always comes with vulnerability.
When you are vulnerable, you’re susceptible to attack or bring harm. This is why many people are afraid to release themselves to anyone because of disappointment, blackmail, harm, heartbreak, etc. You see them appearing hard and fierce, they’re afraid.
When someone is free with you, hides nothing from you, exposes his or her weaknesses and shortcomings to you, it’s a sign of love and trust. Don’t hurt or blackmail someone that’s vulnerable to you. Don’t take it for granted.
Let me stop here. All other things being equal, when a person truly loves you, these 10 signs will be obvious. Love doesn’t hide.
Thanks for reading
© Okolie Samuel10 Signs That Proofs A Person Truly Loves You10 SIGNS THAT A PERSON TRULY LOVES YOU

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
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