A student asked me “what skills do I need to make money online”, then I knew I had to write something related to Online Businesses that don’t require a skill to start.
A lot of people gets cold feet over the idea of starting an online business because they assume that there is a special skill to learn – else the business idea won’t fly.
To be frank, there are some online businesses that require you have a special skill before you go into them. But fact remains that most of them are technical online businesses.
In the guide I prepared for my students – who are doing fantastically fine, I showed them how they can manoeuvre the skill learning part and still make money like they have the skill.
When it comes to starting and growing an online business, your strategy and technique are what makes money for you.
Are you interested to start an Online Business of your Choice even if you don’t have the skill?
Here are the Top Lucrative Online Businesses that you can start without having any skill
Kindle Publishing
You don’t need any skill to become a publisher on Amazon and earn up to about 500k Naira within 6 months. You sincerely need to understand the concept of publishing on Amazon. It is as simple as learning ABC as an adult – even with little or no skill.
The only investment you’d have to make is paying people with the skill to help work for you.
These are the steps to publish on Amazon.
– Log on to Amazon Kindle Publishing
– Register
– Fill up all the necessary information
– Choose a book title
– Write the book (You can hire a writer, or you go through some secret method to achieve that)
– Design a book cover (You must hire a designer with knowledge of Amazon Kindle). You can pay for as cheap as 2k for a design.
– Upload your book to the store
– Start earning recurring income for life.
– Register
– Fill up all the necessary information
– Choose a book title
– Write the book (You can hire a writer, or you go through some secret method to achieve that)
– Design a book cover (You must hire a designer with knowledge of Amazon Kindle). You can pay for as cheap as 2k for a design.
– Upload your book to the store
– Start earning recurring income for life.
Does it sound interesting? I actually more simpler than I wrote up there when you start earning thousands of dollars.
Affiliate Marketing
The last time I wanted to buy a phone, I was confused as to which of the latest model of Samsung phones I should go for. I searched for a review on Google, and someone’s write up popped up.
After reading, I was impressed with the model I saw. Then I saw a clear link that asked me to purchase this phone at the same amount stated directly from the sellers. I knew it was an affiliate link, but I still bought the phone through it. That guy would surely make about 15% of the amount I bought the phone (230k Naira). Imagine the number of people that would keep buying via that affiliate link.
Being a Nigerian Affiliate is great, but what if you can earn in dollars and make money while sleeping.
You don’t need any skill, No technical expertise, just the strategy and technique to sell and cash out your money.
I could have written everything here, but time and space won’t permit. I decided to put it in a guide specially designed for Nigerian writers to help them make money as affiliates in the foreign market.
Fiverr Freelancing
This category is quite broad due to several kinds of skills being sold on that platform. When next someone asks you what your skill is before he shows you how to earn on Fiverr, tell them you already know their secret.
Do you know you don’t actually need the skill to earn on Fiverr? Don’t jump out of excitement. That is the reason I discovered so many things when I first joined, and I was happy I took my time to learn the basics and strategies before signing up.
In the GUIDE I created, I listed out the simple jobs you can do on Fiverr and make about 100k monthly. It is as simple as ABC.
I consider myself a Fiverr pro having made up to a million since I joined, and I’m not looking back.
The guide I created would help answer all the questions you intend to ask plus alongside my free personal consultation.
Drop Shipping
Wouldn’t it be nice if you are able to own an online store with lots of products in it, yet you don’t spend any capital to purchase inventory? That is how drop shipping operates. You don’t spend money buying goods and stocking them, but yet make all the profit by selling goods that aren’t yours.
Once a customer makes a request and pays, you order the product from your producer, and it is shipped down to the customer as fast as possible. No money spent on you, but you make so much profit.
If you are good at transcribing, then these online business ideas in Nigeria are definitely best for you.
To do audio-to-text transcription, you need decent transcription software, a good headset and a word processing programme could be Word or Open Office.
The biggest challenge for transcribers is to make out words that are difficult to interpret for various reasons: thick accents, fast speech or background noise, but using Transcribing software like Speech filter, Transcriber Pro will make your work easier.
There are several online businesses that you can start even without capital or skill, but you need guidance to go through it. Without guidance, you would end up wasting your skill, time, and capital. It requires only those who are willing to take action. People will say it won’t work, but I and other few online business people have shown that there is money on the internet. Want get the guides?
Take action today.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
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