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Archbishop Zakka Avong Bonet and Wife Alice Bonet Cutting the Birthday Cake

One of the respected names in the “Body of Christ” and General Overseer of Solid Rock Fellowship International, Archbishop Zakka Avong Bonet glows while dancing in celebration of his 60th birthday, an event which saw influx of respected “Men of God” and Kingdom builders including personalities such as: Rev. Dr. Isaac Komolafe (Chairman FCT Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria), Archbishop John Praise (General Overseer Dominion Chapel International), Bishop Mike Akpani (Christian Teaching Centre and CAN Secretary FCT), Rev. Dr. Isaac Oriakhi (National Vice President, Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria) and Rev. Michael I. Nwabufo (God’s Endtime Mission and MD Anambra-Imo River Basin Authority).

Other dignitaries who graced the occasion are: Amb. and Mrs. Iliya Nuhu (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Engr. Simon Obadian Nkom (DG Federal Ministry of Solid Mineral), Dr. Akpan Ekwere (Rector Dorben Polytechnic) amongst others.

Archbishop John Praise and Wife

Members of the press were not left out as Toktok9ja Media was on ground to cover the spectacular event.

The event was held at Solid Rock Fellowship International auditorium on 24th March, and it kick started with a welcome speech by Chairman of the occasion Dr. Akpan Ekwere (Rector Dorben Polytechnic), who thanked everyone for making out time to grace the occasion out of tight schedule. This was followed by a sermon by Rev. Dr. Isaac Komolafe (Chairman FCT Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria PFN).

The wonderful Solid Rock Children department presented a birthday song for the celebrant, as they spiced things up by inviting the celebrant and his lovely wife for a dance session. The next presentation was made by students of Solid Rock Academy.

Chairman of the Occasion, Dr. Akpan Ekwere (Rector Dorben Polytechnic)
Rev. Dr. Isaac Komolafe (Chairman FCT Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria) Giving a Sermon during the event

In the climax of the event, the celebrant, Archbishop Zakka Avong Bonet testified of his miraculous survival and healing from sickness that almost claimed his life.

“My 60th birthday celebration is not estimated but actual and throughout my 60 years of service to God, I have never been sick or hospitalized not until the tail end of last year when it happened. I could remember I was supervising workers working on the church altar, and it was after the supervision that my 59 years record of not falling sick was broken.”

“When I got home that day, I fought the thought of falling sick, but in the midst of that fight, I broke down completely. I couldn’t stand, my wife tried lifting me up on several occasion, but couldn’t.”


“I work up some weeks later to find myself laying on a hospital bed, I was told that was the second hospital I have been admitted.  I remember laying there unconscious on the hospital bed, and felt my soul leaving my body, I couldn’t eat, at some point, I knew I was gradually leaving the earth. And then it happened.”

“Someone worked to me in the vision and pointed a finger at me and said “let him go.” At this point, I found myself on a long journey with many check points. While on that journey, someone was protesting bitterly that no one comes here and go back, but by the special ‘Grace of God’ I made it through that journey and came back to life.”

“After waking up, I shouted “were I’m I”? I was told I am in the hospital, angrily I asked “Why was I taken to the hospital”? I never liked hospitals; the idea of laying on the hospital bed was not taken likely.”

“On the course of recovering I hand many challenges and complications, I wish to appreciate my lovely wife for being there for me during my recovery. Also I wish to appreciate my children most especially my first son John Bonet, for standing in as the head of the house during my predicament.”

“I want to appreciate all the Men of God, and Elders who supported me both spiritually and financially during my trying times. Apart from the personal money my wife took to the hospital initially, every other bills were handled by them till the point of my discharge from the hospital.”

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“I also wish to appreciate the team of doctors who treated me, as well as Dr. Dikeh who is my family doctor and his Wife for their support. I am not forgetting Dr. Musa who was on ground during my recovery, I thank you so much.”

“Finally to the entire Solid Rock Fellowship International, I want to say a big thank you for standing by me. To all those who couldn’t reach me during this period, or didn’t know about my sickness, I want to say I am sorry, it wasn’t my doing, I’m hopping you’ll forgive me.”

“Once again thank you so much.”

Archbishop Zakka Avong Bonet was installed to the office of ARCHBISHOP on Saturday, 12 November, 2016. He has widely traveled both for training, conferences and ministry. He attended the Azusa Street Centennial Leadership Conference which held at Los Angeles USA in April 2016. Other Countries he has traveled to include but not limited to The United Kingdom, Germany, France, The Netherlands, Singapore, Italy, Israel, Turkey, Dubai and a host of others in the African continent.

Archbishop Zakka Avong Bonet got married to Rt. Rev. Mrs. Alice Zakka Bonet September 10th 1983 and are blessed with Five biological children, Grace, John, Love, Lois and Joshua and a host of other spiritual and adopted children.

The event came to an end with prayers from some Men of God coordinated by Archbishop John Praise who also appreciated everyone for making out time to celebrate with his longtime friend and colleague Archbishop Zakka Avong Bonet.

More Photos

From right Amb. and Mrs. Iliya Nuhu

Archbishop Zakka Avong Bonet and Family
Middle Right John Bonet first Son of Archbishop Zakka Avong Bonet
From Left Abel Wealth and other friends of John Bonet

From Toktok9ja Media

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