Ten years ago, a single act changed my life. An accident brought about this change. Several attempts were made to save the limp but to no avail. Unknown to us ( i and my parent) the limp happened to be getting healed on the surface but not inwardly. To save my life, the severely diseased limp had to be sacrificed.
I wasn’t even aware of the fact that my limp was about to be amputated. In other for me not to be frightened, my mum told me everything was going to be fine. The truth is i never thought of an amputation. But then there i was with one and a half limp which was been bandaged. At that point i let out a terrifying scream casted blames on my parent.
The realization was a tough one. The nurse had to halt due to my shout. I was allowed to cry for few minutes, i cried like never before. Then i paused and sniffed. I assume that was a go ahead for the nurse to continue pushing the stretcher from where she stopped.

Then came the post-amputation period. The hospital ward became my home for the next few months. I had no appetite, cried at every opportunity especially during the situations where i have to deal with phantom pain( a painful sensation coming from the absent limp) and also daily trips for phisotherapy. As go no go, i had to accept the situation and start from somewhere which was food which i even eagerly ticked the next meal on the menu. Syringes and drugs became a routine.
For the first few days, i lived in a ward for just two patients. I took notice of Treasure who was been diagnosed with a hole in her heart. I think she was 7 or thereabout. Quite a beautiful and bright kid. The last time i saw her was when she was been rushed out of the ward with bags of blood and drips been infused through her veins.
I’ve had fears which i have overcome and some i still struggle with today. Its like the feeling i had when i got to the higher institution, far from home with no familiar eyes to watch over me. I felt insecure and out of place until friends sprouted from God knows where. These were people who did not stay out of pity or compulsion instead they’ve all helped me through it all.
It is no doubt that God blessed me with the best family ever and i sincerely mean it. My dad’s strength and strong heartedness brings out the best in me while my mum serves as my fuel which keeps me burning day by day plus my wonderful siblings who have made it possible for me to be the best big sister to them.

This story will never be complete without the acknowledgment of KBK FOUNDATION, IREDE FOUNDATION and FEET OF GRACE FOUNDATION who made benevolent attempts to provide me with a prosthetic. Also prosthestist VICTOR AKUNAM who also played a remarkable role.
Everything I’ve been through doesn’t make me uglier even if I might feel that way when going through it. I’ve heard people ask things like “eyaa!!! this fine small girl, na so them born her?” or ” even if she marry, she go fit born pickin?” (lol…. the ironic part is that i’m obsessed with pregnancy because i feel its an amazing aspect of God’s creation). Some even said they’ll prefer to die than be in my situation. Die kee?
Every scar i have is a badge of honor which shows i,ve been through alot and it has made me who i am today.

Proudly i wear this badge today. I’ve learnt to pick up my broken pieces in an attempt to turn it into something beautiful and inspiring for others.
To individuals living with a physical challenge, those with low self esteem,
People living with vitilgo, Albinos and others “nobody has ever been perfect and never will”. Discover yourself. Also feel free to share to experience to those who are politely curious, its assists in reducing the akwardness. I’ve been stared at like crazy and i mean it, my friends can tesify but then i tend to laugh over it. Associate yourself with good people.
I’m still a work in process not yet finished but appreciate the fact that i’ve come this far. I’m 22, a 400 level student of Ahmadu Bello University Zaria Kaduna State studying English and literary studies who aspires to be an OAP and I love to cook.
Remarkable amputees like ADENIKE OYETUNDE, FLORENCE MARCUS, ADERONKE OLUTUASE, KESHIA GREENE, NWAFO and others have proved to be a great source of inspiration to me. KINDLY SHARE TO ENCOURAGE SOMEONE OUT THERE.
Muse: Hopepela Joshua
Photographer: Eric Alaye
Assistants: Oseiza Solomon and Celestina Aza Bawa
(Abel Wealth, Copied)

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
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