Everyone’s Dancing In The Rain At Notting Hill Carnival Because Britain

Estimated read time 1 min read

What is a summer celebration without pissing rain?

It’s been an uncharacteristically long, hot summer in London this year.

Daniel Leal-olivas / AFP / Getty Images

But the rain wouldn’t want to stay away for the annual spectacular that is Notting Hill Carnival.

Daniel Leal-olivas / AFP / Getty Images

Not that anyone seemed to mind too much.

Daniel Leal-olivas / AFP / Getty Images

Because dancing in the rain is fine when your costumes have this much sunshine.

Daniel Leal-olivas / AFP / Getty Images

Stefan Rousseau / PA Wire/PA Images

And what is a British summer celebration without buckets of rain anyway?

Daniel Leal-olivas / AFP / Getty Images

Stefan Rousseau / PA Wire/PA Images

Stefan Rousseau / PA Wire/PA Images

Sunday’s parade was as vibrant as ever.

Stefan Rousseau / PA Wire/PA Images

Notting Hill Carnival gives a whole new meaning to the term rain dance.

Stefan Rousseau / PA Wire/PA Images

The rain didn’t keep anyone from dancing.

Stefan Rousseau / PA Wire/PA Images

The sunshine might have stayed away for another year of Carnival.

Stefan Rousseau / PA Wire/PA Images

But the Carnival joy certainly didn’t.

Stefan Rousseau / PA Wire/PA Images

From Toktok9ja Media

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