How to become a profitable writer in Nigeria and earn at least six figures from writing every month.
If you have been trying to figure out how to make money from your writings, then you need to read this article till the end to learn how to make money from your writing skills.
Note that about half of the Nigerian population is living below the international poverty line of less than N1,000 a day”, World bank ,2018.
It is true what they say that “the love for money is the root of all evil” but we can see with our eyes today that the lack of money is a threat to humanity, and poverty has become “the worst form of violence” as “Mahatma Ghandi” puts it. In a struggle for money, food, and other necessities of life, the average Nigerian has turned to legal and illegal means of earning money.
It is no longer a discovery that several Nigerians are looking for legitimate sources to make extra income for themselves, and some want to succeed in turning their side hustle into a full-time income that will now pay their bills and more. Writing is one of those skills that will help you achieve financial freedom.
Word has it that the writing game has changed. The business of writing is now being learned and practiced by thousands of writers around the world because mega industries and tech giants are willing to pay writers six figures to help them connect with their audience. Nigerian writers are cashing out in hundreds of thousands and millions of naira from this skill. Want to become among these writers that earn such a figure from writing? Then watch this, The secret is out and in this article, you will discover the winning strategy on how to make profit from writing if only you stay glued till the end of this read.
There are different ways to make profit from writing, you can;
1) Apply to advertising agencies to work as a full-time writer.
2) Become a freelance writer, writing for a variety of clients without belonging to a firm.
3) Start an online writing business.
Starting an online business is one method of earning six figures from writing that works best because it establishes your image as a writer over time. Like Naval Ravikant quoted “The Internet has massively broadened the possible space of careers. Most people haven’t figured this out yet.” The explosion of social media has changed the business of writing forever. This is how renowned writers are pulling in steady six figures every month.
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Here are five services you can offer and profit from in your writing business online:
a) Book writing

This is the oldest form writers have been using to make money because it pays well even till today. The art of book writing has revolutionized. Just two decades the only option for becoming an author was through traditional publishing, while that has attractive benefits, the downside of it is depressing.
For example; a traditional published author receives around 15% – 25% profit from their book because a greater part of the revenue will be used to cover the publishing cost and also pay the publishing agent. Traditional publishing could take anywhere from 18 months to two years before your books can be placed on the market. And lastly, a traditional published author has little to no rights over the book which has been signed over to the publishing agent.
However, these lapses have birthed self- publishing. Many writers today are self-published. You can now write your book and publish it on amazon kindle and other sites in E-book formats, paperback/audio formats. The eBook market was valued at $138.4 billion in 2021 and the market is expanding. Writers can grab this opportunity to write their book and sell it.
There are many book genres to pick from; Fiction, non-fiction, self-help, comics, spiritual, short stories, and poetry to name a few. Authors can also write on the knowledge they have; how to give birth naturally, getting a scholarship abroad, and how to create a writing habit and lifestyle. Basically, the knowledge and experience you have can be turned into a book to help others looking for solutions to their problems in exchange for money.
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Why should you write a book? More importantly, why should people read your book?
I) Information is what people are searching for and many are willing to buy your knowledge.
II) Writing a book shows you are an authority. It helps you quickly establish authority in your field/expertise.
III) If you are able to write a book successfully then congratulations you now have a writing service you can offer ‘Ghostwriting’ -writing books for business owners, brands, personalities and individuals is one sure way to make money.
In case you are wondering how you are going to write a book, publish it and sell it, then check this out, nowadays, authors can hire a book coach to guide them through the various steps of writing and publishing a book. YOUR_WRITINGCAMP (a school for writers that coaches on book writing and monetization tactics for writers) is hosting a writing conference “The Profitable Writers Conference” in Abuja, Lagos and Uyo will help writers learn how to make money from writing a book. The Abuja event holds on May 28th,2022 while Lagos holds on June 4th, 2022 and Uyo holds on June 18th, 2022. Read this article till the end to see how to attend this live conference for free.
b) Social media posts.

Another demanding writing service is social media writing. We are in a digital age and every business owner is making use of the social media platform to promote their business. This is called social media content marketing- The strategic creation, writing, and publishing of content directed to solve the needs of a particular audience.
Social media writing is crafting content ideas, developing and designing them to be posted on the business pages for the audience to see, like, comment and share. Social media posts have three goals; to entertain potential clients and aid brand communication, to educate potential clients and aid brand awareness, and to advertise products/services to the audience in order to foster sales. The contents are centered on topics related to the business, products answering questions customers have regarding the products and how to purchase products and or services.
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Social media marketing, although fun and easy, involves creativity, thinking outside the box, designing and copywriting skills that a writer may or may not have, but you can learn these skills in a couple of months and be ready to reach out to businesses that will pay you for your services. At the Profitable Writers Conference, expert speakers across Abuja, Lagos, and Uyo will be showing writers how to build an online presence for their business and other businesses.
This service pays the writer and the business owner alike. Just like influencers influence products with their images, Writers promote products/services with written content via constructing appealing captions that will engage their audience and drive traffic to these business pages.
Why should you be interested in social media writing? If you own a business, this is one skill you can use to build a customer base online and grow your business. Anyone that knows the value of content marketing has an advantage and can use this to help several businesses grow their brand online and get paid. Make sure to attend The Profitable Conference and learn this skill for free at any of the conference centers in Abuja, Uyo and Lagos, Nigeria.
c) Script writing

86% of marketers have confessed to getting more sales from videos because it has proven to be the most engaging form of communication. This means that consumers enjoy watching video clips from a brand which makes them connect faster.
Fear not, it’s not the end for writers. Video creation involves written content, so writers with good story-telling skills are required in this field. Writers who want to learn story-telling and profit from storytelling should attend The Profitable Writers Conference for free. At the conference, writers can connect and learn new skills by each sharing their writing experience.
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Video content creation needs a script writer to play the following roles;
I) Every movie/story is written on paper before acting. The scriptwriters, directors, and producers craft ideas that will bring the story to life. The scripts will be organized in order of the story events and distributed to each character to memorize and this is what a writer can handle.
II) Companies pay to create short video adverts for their products, copywriters are needed to write eye-catching openings that will draw the attention of the audience.
III)Youtubers write their script before they shoot their videos.
IV) Brands are using videos to tell their stories with a combination of engaging words and visuals and writers are needed to do this.
So you see, writers are very important in this sector but only writers who know how to position themselves will earn from this niche. If you love this niche and hope to earn from this niche, then make sure to get to any of the venues where The Profitable Writers Conference will hold. Read on to get the link to register.
d) Email marketing

After social media marketing comes email marketing. Brands are using emails to run product campaigns, win their client’s trust, and close deals. In short, Email marketing is a necessary tool for building structured businesses off social media, and those who write out these engaging emails are none other than Writers.
Almost all kinds of businesses use email marketing because it offers excellent results and allows businesses to reach a wider audience. However, you need a catchy headline to grab the attention of your reader. A Lot of business owners either do not have this skill or the time to craft a headline that will engage their audience in the mail so they source for writers.
Email marketers play the role of handling a business email by sending out emails to their subscribers and responding to customers’ requests. Through email, marketing writers can help business owners connect directly with their subscribers to know their problems and how the company can help them. This builds trust in the brand.
Brands know the importance of email marketing but writers need to show these brands how effective their email marketing services can be of value to their business. In The Profitable Writers Conference, writers will be trained on how to position themselves as the email marketers and writers that these brands need. Make sure you attend this conference.
e) Online Course Content
Online courses are in high demand right now with many individuals eager to learn a skill to solve their problems. As a writer, you can help people convert their knowledge into a course.
High-in-demand courses like cryptocurrency, influencer marketing, graphic designing, video production and editing, etc. require the skills of a writer and editor. Businesses, Coaches, and knowledge experts are in need of writers now more than ever. You should make profit from this niche but to do this, you need to leverage branding, positioning, and networking skills and that is what you will learn at The Profitable Writers Conference.
So why should you make sure you attend this Profitable Writers Conference in either Abuja, Lagos or Uyo?
I) A popular Chinese proverb says “to know the road ahead, ask those coming behind”. If you want to learn how to make six figures from your writing and finally escape the threat of poverty then look around you and ask those making money from their writing business or better yet, attend The Profitable Writers Conference and let successful writers show you how to solve the riddle.
II) Writing can be a lonely job as you have to do most of the work yourself. This is why writers are usually more introverted than extroverted. One way to overcome this feeling of loneliness is by joining a community of writers and hanging out with people of similar interests. Just as Book clubs can help writers talk about their books or encourage reading culture among writers, attending The Profitable Writers Conference can help writers share their experience with writing, learn how to get their first paying clients, how to deal with stressful clients and how to overcome the imposter syndrome. The upcoming profitable writers conference to be held in Abuja, Lagos, and Uyo is a great place for all writers to hang out, share their experiences and grow together as they earn from writing.
The business of writing can be started by anyone who has a passion to learn. Today, writing is a tool for creating a community to connect with people of similar interests, communicating ideas with people, and building an image. But while some writers are struggling to make ends meet, other writers are leveraging the skills to be taught at The Profitable Writers Conference to make at least six figures a month. Would you sit on the fence or will you take advantage of this Free opportunity to start a profitable career in writing? The call is yours.
Register here to join the conference in either Uyo, Lagos, or Abuja. Venues, dates, and all other information will be given to you after registration.
How to become a profitable writer in Nigeria and earn at least six figures from writing every month.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
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