Estimated read time 7 min read

It is very simple to own your own customized online store where you can display your products and services for clients to patronize you.

Now, I know what you’re thinking; how is that possible?

Yes it’s pretty simple and totally free to set up your online store and start making money selling your products using Balvinciglobal right at the comfort of your room. All you have to do is spend approximately five minutes of your precious time setting up your store and I will work you through the step by step procedures.

Balvinciglobal makes it easy for you to sell your products and services without renting a shop in a mall, plaza or market, considering the high cost of paying shop rents. You can operate your own customized online store right in the comfort of your room or at your office desk.

Having an online store where you showcase your craft, products or services have proven to be great idea for making passive income doing virtually nothing other than playing with your mobile device or laptop uploading products to your online store. This option is not only opened to local manufacturers and traders alone but also, students, government/private workers can take advantage of this opportunity.


  1. The will to make money
  2. A computer system or smartphone
  3. Internet Service

Let’s pulse for a minute, I’m sure you’re wondering, “is this all I require to start making money selling my products”?

Well it’s your lucky day, I have news for you, to make money using Balvinciglobal, you don’t need to be a computer wizard or a programmer to set up your online store. Before we go further, it’s important we take a review of the background and how Balvinciglobal online store works.

Balvinciglobal online store allows interested businessman/woman, authorized dealers of all kinds of products, local manufactures, tailors, shoemakers, traders, service providers to set up an online store where they can manually upload their products and services to engage customers.

Balvinciglobal is a platform which allows and encourages merchants to own a store where they can upload their products for patronage.


Brilliant question, now the idea of Balvinciglobal is to help manufacturers of local products in Nigeria and Africa advertise their products online for free to the right client for patronage. One of the loop-holes aside “Power” is that most local manufacturers encounter a high cost of advertising finished products to the right people. Take for example the high cost of advertising your finished goods on electronic or print media.

What we are offering at Balvinciglobal is an opportunity to showcase your products/services to the right clients in Nigerians and beyond.

Unlike other online stores where your products take longer time to process before being uploaded, Balvinciglobal gives  you the opportunity to upload your products yourself manually which displays on the site automatically after going through necessary scrutiny. This means you are in control here.

You will start making money after successfully uploading your products on Balvinciglobal and we only charged little commission for every sale your make using our platform.


Just like mention earlier, it’s easy and I will work you through the steps.

  1. Log on using a computer, tablet or mobile phone. While on the site, locate and click on “Login/Register” icon on the top right-hand corner. It’s marked with a red circle on the image below.

          Note: you must register first if you wish to shop or sell your                                products on this site.

     2. Click on “New Customer? Start here” icon marked in red.

    3. Fill the form with all the necessary information and click on “Sign up Now” icon marked in red.

Note: before you continue make sure to read the terms of agreement and policy of Balvinciglobal.

  1. Congratulations you have successfully registered as a user.

Now you have to verify your account by logging into the email address used during registering. You’ll see a message sent by Balvinciglobal asking you to click a link to verify your account.

Just in case you didn’t see the message in your inbox, check your spam folder. 

  1. After clicking on the verification link, it will redirect you to this page with the message “Your Email Address was Successfully Verified.” Enter the email address and your password and click on “Sign in”, marked with red.

This will automatically take you to your control panel.

At this point, you have successfully registered as a user of Balvinciglobal, you can either proceed further to register as a vendor (Seller) or continue shopping on Balvinciglobal.

Your  control panel is where all information about your account is stored. It also has information about all the products added to your cart.

In case you only wish to shop on Balvinciglobal, then click on the logo at the top left Conner marked in red in the above photo to redirect you to the home page where you can shop for your desired products.

If you wish to become a seller on Balvinciglobal, then click on “Start selling with Balvinci Icon marked in Red.” to continue your registration  process.


1. As mentioned above, after clicking on “Start selling with Balvinci Icon marked in Red.”, you will be redirected to this page.

Here you’ll be required to fill in the following information:

Your Passport Photograph (Optional)

Business Entity (Individual or Corporate, for corporate, you’ll required to upload your certificate of incorporation later)

Your Preffered Balvinci Store Name



Your State of Residence

After providing all this information, click on next icon marked in red.

2. Congratulations, you have successfully registered as a vendor (seller). You’ll be immediately redirected to this page where you can assess your dashboard and start uploading your products.


We have seen how to register as a user, how to verify your store account and how to register as a Vendor (Seller) on Balvinciglobal.  Now we’ll be looking at how to upload your products and services on Balvinciglobal store.

To upload products and services is quite simple, but first you need to have the photos of the goods or services you wish to upload in JPEG or PNG formats. So also you need to have all the necessary information and price of your product(s).

Balvinciglobal only supports photos in JPEG or PNG formats and it has to be high quality photos in white background. The size of the photos must not exceed 8 megabytes.

Note: you can upload as many products as you like on your customized store via your dashboard.

Follow these steps:

1. To log on your dashboard, click on “Dashboard” Icon marked in red just below the “Become a Vendor”. Just in case you don’t know how we got here, go back and read on how to register as a vendor above.

2. This is how your Vendor (Seller) dashboard looks like.

Here you have notification of all orders made for your products and also your can upload new products as well. To upload new product, click on the “Products” icon marked in red. 

3. This brings a drop down menu where you can choose to add products or manage existing products. Choose Add Product.

4. Input the name and upload the image of the product you wish to sell, you have the option to upload up to 4 images, front, back, right, left view. You can see in the image bellow, the vendor uploaded a tablet for sell.

5. Specify the Category of your product and click next.

6. Specify the Brand, Model, Color and Price of the Product and click on finish.

That’s all, Balvinciglobal will handle the rest, and your product(s) will display on the home page of the site after approval which usually takes less than 24 hours.

Note: when your product is approved, the product status will change from “Pending” to “Live” on your dashboard. You will also be notified on your dashboard when an order is made for your product(s).

If you have question or require assistance, drop a comment or contact support:, hotline  +234 817 448 4444

From Toktok9ja Media

The views expressed in this article are the writer’s opinion, they do not reflect the views of the Publisher of TOKTOK9JA MEDIA. Please report any fake news, misinformation, or defamatory statements to


Professional freelancer and webmaster.

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