I’ve always had a big personality and I’m definitely not afraid to speak up about the things I feel strongly about. It’s gotten me into trouble before, especially in romantic relationships. A lot of guys have told me that I’m just “too much”, and for years I tried so hard to “tone myself down” in order to be attractive to guys. It took a lot of self-reflection, but I finally don’t GAF.
I’m easily excited—why is that a bad thing? Life isn’t always a party. There’s struggle, sadness, and disappointment in store for all of us. I’ve been pessimistic in the past, but when something makes me happy, I definitely show it. I get very excited about the simplest of things and I’m not afraid to express it. Don’t get me wrong, I know how to compose myself in a professional manner, but life’s too short not to revel in the goodness that still exists in the world, and too many ex-boyfriends have made me feel stupid for celebrating small victories when there’s still so much in the world that needs to be improved. Can we not just enjoy our progress along the way?
I overreact about pretty much everything. I’m dramatic. To me, things always seem like a bigger deal than they actually are, and that can often lead to me freaking out about something for seemingly no reason. It’s tiresome and extra, I know, but the good news is that I always come to my senses eventually. Then I calm down and apologize to anyone who may have been a casualty in my moment of exaggerated terror. Guys I’ve dated in the past have gotten really mad at me for my stressed reactions and have told me that they can’t handle it. I don’t think it’s necessarily a good thing that I react the way that I do sometimes, but I don’t think it’s a reason to label me as “undateable”.
I’m overly emotional. I feel things deeply, and even though it’s a heavy burden to bear at times, I’m so grateful that it’s the type of heart I have. On the one hand, I understand the exhaustion that comes along with exaggerated emotions; it’s a lot for a partner to handle and can be taxing at times on any relationship. However, my theatrical spirit also comes with the ability to handle the same kinds of emotions coming from my partner. I’m definitely not the type of person who can dish it but can’t take it. I understand what it’s like to experience things to the extreme and I will always listen and comfort my partner when they’re going through similar moments.
I’m impulsive at times. This one is situational because as much as I love to label myself as a free spirit and an adventurous heart, I can be very reserved about certain things and prefer to play it safe. However, when I get an idea stuck in my head about something, it’s really hard for me to let it go and it becomes my mission to make it happen. Sometimes it isn’t practical or realistic, but those factors get thrown out the window and I react out of instinct and just go for it. I need to be with someone who will keep me grounded when I need to be but will also sometimes take my hand and come along for the ride.
I’m not afraid to speak my mind. I’m always down for a healthy debate. I’m open to seeing others’ sides and considering them in comparison to my own and I’m a firm believer that couples don’t have to see eye to eye on every topic. Still, if something happens that I strongly believe is wrong, I’m not afraid to speak up and say something. This can get me into trouble, but overall, I think it’s a great trait to have. Past relationships that I’ve been in have struggled because my boyfriend had an issue with how outspoken I was about my beliefs.
I’m extremely dedicated to my art. I’m constantly working on several different projects at once and I’m always looking for creative outlets to pour my heart and soul into. Because of this, I’m one of those people who really needs her alone time. I love being around people but I also need those quiet, isolated moments where I really focus on my art and check out for a few hours. In the past, I’ve had boyfriends who didn’t really support my writing career and didn’t understand why I wanted to work on these projects that weren’t my actual job. It was hard to explain and justify it to someone who didn’t get it.
I change my mind a lot. Women already have a rep for being indecisive, but I think I take it to a whole other level of frustrating. It’s something that I’m trying to work on and improve but in general, it’s a quirk that’s likely to stay forever in some form or another. Instead of trying to completely rid myself of all indecisiveness, I’m just going to trust that my future soulmate will be OK with this part of me and maybe even find it cute? Who knows?
I love hard. A huge personality and bleeding heart typically lead to very complicated andintense romances. I fall for people pretty hard and fast and I’m not afraid to express my feelings to them because we never know how much longer we have here on earth. I’m not going to say the “L” word on the second date and I’m not going to Pinterest board our wedding within the first week, but once things get serious with a guy, I can’t help it. As much as I try to contain it and play it cool for as long as I can, it usually just spills out in my conversation and actions. It used to stress me out majorly, thinking that I might scare a guy off with all of my excitement about love, but I’ve since learned the right one won’t even be fazed by it because he’ll be feeling the exact same way.

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