Man Covered in Tattoo with Horns Shares Selfy with Daughter and It Went Viral

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Virtually every parent want their children to grow up and become responsible people in life, but it seems this father has a different plan for his teenage daughter.

This Mexican man apparently wants his daughter to take over from him probably for the wrong reasons. The man in question is a tattoo addict who has dedicated his life to body modification and all manners of piecing.

First he modified his head to have horns, then between the head are two holes. His eyes are tattooed black and his tongue split into two to look like that of a snake. His entire face is tattooed with all manner of signs and inscriptions, he also pieced his face at different angles.

“Like daughter like father”, his daughter is not left out, her entire body and hands are cover in tattoos, she has a skull and flower tattooed on her chest with an inscription written on her neck “Blessed”, wow, she is indeed blessed.

The two pair (Father and Daughter) shared the photo on social media and it went viral. One question on the lips of everyone is:

Who is her mother?

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From Toktok9ja Media

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