Mayor Of Abuja: Church Of The Bad Children: STRICTLY REDPILLS

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Mayor Of Abuja: Church Of The Bad Children: STRICTLY REDPILLS.

She continued in a burst as if she wanted to get it out before she changed her mind, “I am so f**king h0rny, Dapo. You interrupted my one moment of peace all week. Now you owe me.”

She pulled herself up by his hand. Dapo was frozen. She carried on the motion until she had pulled herself flat against him. He could feel the soft press of her br£@sts on his chest. Her breathing was h0t in his ear.

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“After I finish singing I am supposed to go and help in the Sunday school,” she whispered in his ear. “But, instead, You know what I do? I strip n@k£d in the vestry and put my robe back on. I walk around the church while everyone is inside there praying. Do you know how good it is to feel the cool air moving over my bare pucci?”

Dapo’s d**k had grown agonizingly hard. He was too scared to move it, even though it pushed uncomfortably against his trousers.

“Then,” she continued, “I like to come out here and rub my little cl!t until I come.” She nibbled his earlobe. “I can do it, see because Pastor Ikechukwu and my parents think I am running a Sunday school group. Susan, at the Sunday school, thinks I am helping Titi with the guest tea for after the service and, Titi thinks I stay in the stalls with the rest of the choir.”

She gently placed her elegantly tapered fingers on Dapo’s chest, toying with his top button.

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“So I have this one perfect moment worked out, where no one bothers me. And now, I have you to share it with me.”

Without him being fully aware, she had slowly been using Dapo’s hand to hike up her robes while she spoke. He was powerless to resist her. He gasped when he felt the bare skin of her thigh under his fingers.

Her voice was hoarse in his ear. “Want to feel how w£t I am?”

Dapo did, more than he had ever wanted anything before. His marriage and family suddenly paled in comparison to his need to slide his hands up inside her robes and see if she was telling the truth about being completely n@k£d under there.

He did not fight her when she took his other hand and, holding it lightly, helped him to lift her robe up over her hips.

His dick strained painfully in his trousers as he continued to feel only bare skin, all the way up until his fingers were sinking into the resilient flesh of her fleshy ass.

A mo@n escaped his lips. Bimbo leaned back and grinned at him.

“There’s no turning back, Dapo. Not now that you’ve had your big, manly hands on my a$$.”

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Dapo didn’t say it, but he knew there was no turning back, and it had nothing to do with the threat of a fall from grace. He needed to see and feel the rest of Bimbo the way he needed air to breathe.

While his hands had paused, squeezing the soft flesh of her backside, hers continued upwards, raising the robe, revealing more and more n@k£d flesh. His height, and her proximity, made it impossible for him to see her n@k£d s£x, but he could see the flat plane of her belly and the gentle rise of her shaved pussy.

She drew in her breath as she raised the robe, swelling her chest and drawing her stomach in, her ribs becoming more pronounced beneath her skin. The robe met brief resistance at her breasts, lifting them up, before letting them tumbled out heavily and bounce in a most pleasing manner.

The n!pples, centered in her large brown areolas, were fiercely erect. He had only a moment to take in her perfection before she pressed her body hard against him. He could feel her warm skin through his shirt, her hard nipples were like pebbles against his chest. He felt he might squirt cum into his pants.

She pressed her lips into his. Dapo was still frozen, his lips pinched in surprise at this turn of events. Her wet tongue forced their way between them, however, and he succumbed, entirely lost in the young, slender body wrapped around him.

He dug his hands deeper into her flesh, spreading her bare ass apart, and opened his mouth fully to her kiss. She sucked at his tongue hungrily.

Then she broke away and pulled the robe over her head, standing n@k£d before him. He could see the modesty in her awkward pose, her toes turned inwards, her hands clasped together fighting then urge to cover herself. She had nothing to be modest about, his eyes ran ravenously over her perfect teenage body.

She caught him staring at her hairless pucci and smiled. “I shaved it this morning. It tingles when I walk around with nothing but the robe to cover me. It makes me so h0rny I can barely make out here in time. Do you like it, Dapo?”

“It’s the s£xiest thing I’ve ever seen,” he wheezed out through a tight chest.

Clearly happy with his response, she turned and pressed her back to him, taking his hands once more and guiding them up to her breasts. Her body was bared to the empty courtyard, warmed by the morning sun. Dapo couldn’t help himself.

His hands cupped her proud br£@sts as she leaned back against him and twisted her head to kiss at his cheek and neck. She lifted her arms up and arched her back so she could dig her hands into his hair and bring his head down until he was biting tenderly into her slender neck.

He weighed her br£sts, pulled them apart, and then squeezed them together. “God,” he thought’ “there was nothing like the elasticity of young skin.” His eager fingers found her nipples and began to tease them with brushes and gentle pinches. He was rewarded by her making little squealing noises in her throat, and grinding her plump backside against his bulging er£ction.

“I can’t wait anymore,” she groaned. She took his right hand and drew three fingers into her mouth. She sucked on them wetly, letting her saliva run over his fingers. Then she pulled his hand down desperately like they were needed to staunch a wound, and a second’s further hesitation might mean death.

She buried his fingers deep in her cleft and let a sigh of satisfaction escape. He folded his fingers over her mound and felt moisture running over his fingers.

“Jesus, she is so w£t!” He thought.

One of his fingers dipped inside her. She was tight. Virgin tight. His finger could not get past the second knuckle. She rolled her hips against him, then lifted them forwards and upwards. The action forced his finger out of her. She seized it in her hand and pressed it hard into the little hood at the top of her cleft until he felt the swell of her engorged clitoris.

“Make me come,” she begged.

Dapo was happy to oblige. More than that, he was desperate to please her. Making her body quiver in ecstasy suddenly became the culmination of his existence.

He used his fingers to circle her little bud of a cl!t. It was so swollen it was almost laughably easy to stimulate. there was no need for subtlety or careful manipulation. She was primed and ready for orgasm, he just had to turn the ignition. In 20 years of marriage, Nnenna had never been this inflamed for him.

He slid his fingers up and down the cleft, using her puffy lips to guide his fingers over the little bump of her clitoris. She mewled and writhed against him. He stroked her with the pace he might use on himself if he wanted to prolong a long, slow masturbation.

She whimpered and begged him to finish her off. “I can’t wait anymore. I’ll burst.”

“What’s in it for me?” He growled.

Who was this man inhabiting his body? Dapo was a stand-up citizen, a member of the PTA. Here he was, fingerfucking a lady younger than him, and now he was bargaining for more. Worst of all, his wife and children were probably within 30 meters of him.

“I’ll let you f**k me.”

“Are you serious?” He was hoping for a handjob, but this was beyond expectation.

“Uh-huh,” her voice was breathy and he could feel her panting breaths against his neck. “But, despite what you may think, I really am a good girl.”

“I am sure you are,” Dapo spoke into her soft hair.

“I’m still a virgin.”

Dapo let out air like he had been punched in the solar plexus.

” And I am saving myself for marriage…” She trailed off as his fingers brushed a particularly sensitive spot. “You’ll… you’ll have to fuck my ass. Is that okay?”

He just held back the ring of pleasure that shot up his dick and nearly caused it to burst in premature orgasm. Not once had Nnenna even let him consider her ass. This was all too much. Caught in this moment, with the promise of what lay ahead, Dapo was unsure if he could have stopped himself even if his wife and kids walked in right that second.

“It, it will have to do,” His voice came out slightly choked with emotion.

He massaged her deep and hard. His free arm was pressing down hard on her soft breasts, pulling her in as close to him as he could. He could feel her chest rising and falling in shorter, sharper gasps of air. Her lips were open and pressing into his neck, but he could feel her teeth were clenched together tightly.

Feeling himself embody his new, s£xually aggressive role, he leaned back so that her legs lifted off the ground. She was so tiny compared to him. She held her legs straight out and he was able to hook them over the balcony railing. Her ass was now suspended in the air, her legs spread wide, exposing her unguarded naked body to the empty courtyard. In the background, he could still hear the droning of pastor Ikechukwu.

He held her chest tight. She had all of her weight against him now, all of her energy was concentrated on the tiny little spot his fingers were winding up. He worked at it furiously until he felt her tipping over the edge, then he slowed up to an agonizing pace. She whimpered at his cruelty, but he held her there suspended, literally and metaphorically. But she was too far gone, and the merest feather-light brush of his fingers unraveled her.

He had to fight to stop himself overbalancing. She shook uncontrollably, her legs rattling the iron railing of the balcony, as she shuddered out the orgasm she had so longed for.

He was lost in it too, sliding his hand deeper and pressing around her entrance to feel her continuing muscular spasms. He had made Nnenna come before more times than he could count, but never like this. He felt like he had melted Bimbo. She turned liquid in his arms and slid off him onto the balcony, still twitching with the residues of pleasure.

“Oh, Dapo.” was all she said, “Oh Dapo, Dapo, Dapo. You have no idea how good that felt. I have never come like that before. Your hands, your body, the people so close to us. It was so bad. So wrong. Oh God, it’s turning me on again just thinking about it.”



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