SLEEPY JOE TOOK A CATNAP? (a brief on the US Presidential Elections).
Joe Biden a former United States Senator for Delaware, who served previously as the 47th Vice President from 2009 – 2017 has emerged as President-elect after defeating incumbent president Trump in the 2020 United States Presidential election.
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Congratulations slosh in for Biden from many Celebrities from all parts of the world, broadcast stations, and even Presidents of nations celebrate Biden’s win. President Hassan Rouhani of Iran has sent congratulatory messages to Joe Biden and has called on him to use this opportunity to correct the mistake made by President Trump’s previous Administration. Never Forget that “sleepy Joe” in 2015, during his time as Vice President under the Watch of former President Barack Obama, Joe Biden had some sort of nuclear accord with Iran and a deal was agreed in Washington. However, tension brewed even more between the long time Familiar foes since when President Trump exited all treaties with Iran and reposed sanctions that have crippled Iran’s Economy. The Assassination of Iranian Major General Quasem Soleimani by United States forces increased the tension from both ends; it almost escalated into a nuclear war between both countries. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has congratulated President-elect Joe Biden, saying he looks forward to working together with the administration and strengthening the two countries Alliance.

As core Democrat/Liberal and having served as chair of the Senate Foreign Relationship Committee, people all around the world respect Biden’s Diplomatic engagements and foreign Policies.
A 13-nation pew research center survey shows that since the beginning of President Trump’s administration, the image of the United States of America has suffered across many regions of the world. America’s Reputation has declined further over the past year among many key allies and partners. Recently the covers of the United States of America were a little bit compromised, especially with the way President Trump handled the Coronavirus Pandemic. The United States of America has a positive mark in the way they handled all sorts of crises in the past. President Trump was able to keep an economic balance in the country during the pandemic but his constant negligence and playing the blame game card was instrumental in the high death cases during the coronavirus pandemic. While China was setting out majors in handling the pandemic well, President Trump was playing his politics of identity, as usual, blaming the Chinese Government and even calling the Virus the “Chinese Virus”. China has received considerably better reviews in terms of response to the coronavirus than the United States of America.
It’s is thought that President Trump’s mismanagement of the coronavirus Pandemic was one of his major roadblocks to his re-election. And it was an important campaign tool used by President-elect Joe Biden. Joe Biden spoke about listening to scientists and is expected to announce his coronavirus task force tomorrow as the United States of America is in the midst of a second wave of the virus at the moment.

During Biden’s Campaigns he constantly spoke about peace, he spoke about unity instead of division. We watched so many campaign videos that Trump supporters were calling out people of colour that stood against Trump’s policies; the likes of sports superstar Lebron James, and Minnesota Reps Ilhan Omar. During Campaigns Trump supporters were heard chanting “Build that wall”; which is the Trump Wall; is that’s an ongoing expansion of the United States – Mexico barrier/Border Wall.

The Biggest “Black lives Matter” protest Occurred during the election year, after a video surfaced online, where a white cop suffocated a black man (George Floyd) ignoring his pleas as he wheezed out of breath. The video ignited the outrage of everyone especially black people who were clamoring for social equality and equity leading to a mass protest all over the world. During these times in May 2020, President Trump still used the Police to oppress and suppress Protesters. He even made a controversial statement calling protesters “Looters” and he went ahead using his personal Twitter to Tweet “when the looting starts the shooting starts”. The Democratic Party seized the opportunity to push their envelopes by showing empathy and appealing to the conscience of protesters.

The just-concluded United States election was a landslide victory and cakewalk for President-elect Joe Biden. He has the most majority votes in United States History, beating the record of his former boss Barack Obama. Joe Biden won Arizona’s 11 electoral votes, becoming the second Democratic presidential candidate since 1948 to claim victory in the longtime Republican stronghold. Trump and his allies made an aggressive, but ultimately futile, push to hold on to Arizona, which the president won by 3.5 percentage points in 2016. Trump has challenged results saying the election was rigged and he won by far, in Joe Biden’s victory speech, he said to make progress, we must stop treating our opponents as our enemy. We are not enemies. We are Americans.”
Trash Talks, a lack of empathy, arrogance, bad foreign policies, and Trump’s constant playing of identity politics brought him to his Waterloo. President Trump was snoozing on “Sleepy Joe” Now he’s woke! Reality just rang the alarm clock.
Okotete Happiness Joel
Edited by FeatherPEN

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
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