What is the Mark of the Beast? The Real Truth Behind the Myth Exposed.
He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it the number of a man: His number is 666. Rev 13:16-18
Many people think that the mark of the beast is a mere religious concept and should therefore not be taken seriously. I want you to understand that the Bible clearly presents it as a scientific innovation that will have grave consequential impact on man’s spiritual, social and physical life. The Beast we are referring to is the AntiChrist- one of the fallen angels banished from heaven for rebellion towards God (Isaiah 14:12-15). His mission is to pollute, enslave and utterly destroy the human race. Below are the scientific definitions and socio-economic features of the mark of the beast, as described by the Holy Bible :
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1. The mark of the beast is a means for financial transactions.
The Bible defines the mark of the beast as a means of buying and selling (financial transactions) when it saya:…. And that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. REV 13:17.
This verse implies that the mark of the beast will be the globally accepted means for banking, buying and selling at all levels of society. Without it, no one will be able to buy and sell in the global world.
Money is an integral part of the human life here on earth, and it is almost impossible to live or survive without the use of money or what money can buy. To have one’s basic needs met – even the most basic needs of food and water, one needs money in modern society. Having programmed the global world to be a society where all basic needs of mankind are purchased with money, everybody who wants to continue enjoying modern life and its pleasure of civilization will be presented with the offer of compulsory selling his or her soul to the devil by taking the mark of the beast. Those who will dare to reject such evil and eternal damnation must resort to remote rural areas for a short while, after which they will be arrested, tortured, and even put to death by the government

2. The mark of the beast is a certificate of social identification.
The Bible defines the mark of the beast as a certificate of social identification when it says: He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads…
The mark of the beast will be a means of social identification for both the rich and the poor, small and great, free and slave. That means that everybody in society must have it and anyone who refuses to take it will be treated as a criminal and enemy of societal peace and safety. The mark of the beast will be mandatory citizenship identification and the passport permit and visa for all foreigners. To exercise your human rights, you must get a global social ID, otherwise, you will not be able to travel, move freely, associate with people, have access to education, health, and other social facilities.
3. The mark of the beast has a digital number
The Bible also teaches that the mark of the beast is attached to a digital number, 666:
Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. Rev. 13:18.
666 is a computerized number. It is the accepted digital code for the kingdom of the antichrist and it is placed on all the inventions of the beast. The number 666 is actually a word in the original Greek (the New Testament was originally written in Greek language before translation into other languages). The Greek word 666 is “Chi Xi Stigma,” with the last part, “Stigma,” also meaning “to stick or prick.” The word ‘stigma’ is ‘stizo’. It implies a mark incised (injected) or punched into for recognition of ownership “. This implies that the mark of the beast will be administered through medical science – it will be injected into people’s body.
4. The mark of the beast is the DNA of Lucifer
The biblical definition of 666 shows that the mark of the beast will be administered to people through medical science. It will be injected into the skin and will take total possession of one’s spirit, soul and body, converting a fellow to the breed of Lucifer. The vaccination of the mark of the beast will take three stages:
First stage: To destroy the original or natural DNA of a person
The first function of the mark of the beast vaccination is to destroy the original DNA of the recipient. At this stage, many people will die because their body system will not be able to stand it. The kingdom of darkness needs many people to die, especially Africans so that the world population can reduce to a controllable size for the antichrist. Moreover, just as Jesus Christ is placing a seal on His own people whom He wants to take for the Rapture, Satan has a breed of people whom he wants for the kingdom of the antichrist. Therefore many, ordinary and innocent people are going to die through the vaccine, and no effort made by anybody to sue the government for allowing such a killer – vaccine will yield a positive result; that is to tell you that the antichrist controls governments of countries or states of the world. The most painful aspect is that anyone who dies through the mark of the beast vaccination is going straight to hell. Some people will not die at the first stage of vaccination but will have severe health challenges, therefore they will need the second stage of the vaccination to survive. Others may take it and not have immediate negative health reactions until after four, five, or six years, then it may lead to their death.

Second stage: Conversion to Luciferian DNA
The second stage will make the recipients of the mark of the beast vaccination be completely converted to the nature of demons (fallen angels). After their rebellion which led to their fatal fall from heaven (Ezekiel 28:11-18; Isa. 14:12-15), God issued His judgment on them that they will forever be tormented in the lake of fire (ll Peter 2:4, Rev. 19:20, 20:10). They were not and will never be offered forgiveness. But after the fall of man in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1-15), God offered man forgiveness and a plan of redemption, which was in the fullness of time accomplished and manifested by His only begotten son Jesus Christ. This further provoked damned Lucifer and his woeful colleagues to envy, jealousy, and unquantifiable hatred towards mankind. Humans who are lured into sin and rebellion towards God can still obtain forgiveness in the hour of God’s grace but the conversion of human DNA to that of Lucifer totally estranges man from God and makes mankind a breed of Lucifer, and such individuals will never obtain forgiveness and redemption from God but they will be forever banished to the lake of fire to suffer eternally with the damned Lucifer.
Third stage: Microchip implant
This is the final stage. Everyone who goes through the first and second stage must be microchip – implanted to have a stable health and complete the process. There is no forgiveness, salvation, healing or deliverance from God to anyone who goes through any of the stages of the mark of the beast vaccination (Rev. 14:9:12). God bless you
Covid19 Vaccination Is Not A Solution To Cure Any Virus. It is the mark of the beast. Anyone who takes it for any reason is doomed for hell and no correction. Prefer to die than to receive it.
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