Why do ladies still maintain their old Facebook name even after marriage?

Estimated read time 1 min read
Wedding Picture
Wedding Picture

Do you observe that some ladies still maintain their old Facebook name even after working the aisle ?

Statistics has it that 70% of married ladies on Facebook don’t change their names even after exchanging marriage vows.

Ideally, when you say I do to your man, you immediately become his property, and there is a change of name automatically. It baffles us why some ladies don’t bother to change their old name. Even those who manage to change their names, only add the name of their husband to their existing name.

The marriage certificate comes with the name of the husband as a confirmation of his possession.

We scanned round Facebook and other social media and discovered that over 70% of women retain their Facebook name after marriage. Though it is a personal thing, yet one cannot but think on why this occurs in almost all marriages.

Its an all out question, and everyone is welcome to drop an opinion.

From Toktok9ja Media

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Professional freelancer and webmaster.

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