Being the second most consumed drink in the world (losing only to water) and the product most consumed by Brazilians, surprisingly above rice and beans, coffee has great importance in economic and cultural aspects.
But although many people still do not know, coffee also offers numerous health benefits. Caffeine is just one of hundreds of substances in the grain, which has a wide variety of macro and micronutrients that contribute to your diet and well-being.
According to a BBC story , consuming a moderate amount of drink daily (three to four cups) can greatly benefit the consumer. A good example of this is the finding that the risk of contracting heart disease or stroke is 19% and 30% lower in regular coffee users, respectively, than those who do not consume the drink.But this is just an example! If you need more reasons to continue taking your beloved coffee every day, check out Coffeelifious
Life Expectancy
According to a study by the US National Cancer Institute, moderate consumption of our favorite drink may increase life expectancy by 10% for men and 13% for women. According to researcher Adriana Farah, this occurs because coffee is the largest source of antioxidants present in a daily diet.
Analyzing data from a study in the New England Medicine Journal, this percentage is clearer: drinkers had lower mortality from heart disease, respiratory diseases, stroke, external causes, diabetes and infectious diseases.
Heart Problems
The relationship between coffee and the heart has always generated some discrepancy in data, but Elizabeth Mostofsky of the Harvard School of Public Health decided to conduct a review of results: more than 140,000 individuals were evaluated, and among these, 6,522 suffer from heart failure – when the heart can not pump enough blood into the body
According to the researcher, four doses of coffee per day decreased by up to 11% the risk of having this problem. Bioactive compounds, especially antioxidants, are the likely culprits, also removing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Neurodegenerative Diseases
Coffee consumption is effective in preventing diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, and caffeine is largely responsible for it.
In the case of Alzheimer’s, a neurodegenerative disease that results in a progressive decrease in cognitive abilities by increasing brain levels of β-amyloid protein, a substance still unknown in coffee increases the levels of a blood factor called GCSF, which slows the progression of the disease. In addition, caffeine is the likely substance responsible for reducing production of the protein responsible for the disease.
Talking about Parkinson’s, a disease caused by the severe degeneration of dopaminergic neurons of the brain’s nigra substance, generating the inability of voluntary movement control, one would have to assume that caffeine, known as “accelerating”, would worsen the characteristic tremors, right? Wrong! At the appropriate dose, caffeine seems to contribute to the functioning of dopamine – and it is the lack of this neurotransmitter that opens the door to Parkinson’s.
A study of 61 patients by the McGill University Research Institute in Canada provided a few daily doses of caffeine, with results common to treatments with drugs used in the early stages of the disease. In addition, the risk of developing Parkinson’s disease is five times lower for coffee consumers than for non-consumers.
Cancer Prevention
If taken in the right measure, coffee can be a great option to combat and prevent diseases, such as lowering the risk of cancer. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) coffee is effective in prevention because it is rich in antioxidants and minerals that prevent the degradation and alteration of the cells that can result in cancer.
Just three cups of coffee per day is enough to prevent the risk of cancer, and coupled with a rich and healthy diet, can be a much better way to prevent cell mutation. Remembering that it is an action that does not prevent, but that can increase the body’s defenses.
Thus, coffee contributes to the prevention of various types of cancer, such as breast, skin, prostate and colon cancer. It happens as follows: While our body works, it produces free radicals that can attack the good cells that cause cancer, as an ideal dose of coffee, there is the stimulation of enzymes that destroy these radicals.
Researchers at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) and the University of Coimbra in Portugal, as well as other countries (Germany and the United States) at the 9th World Neuroscience Congress of the International Brain Research Organization (Ibro) as mood and memory.
The studies were based on the observation of mice and how they react with stressful situations and soon showed symptoms of depression. Only one of them received doses of coffee, which was noticed that the mouse that gained the doses of coffee was less impacted by the effects of depression.
It takes only two to three cups of an espresso to interfere with mood in a positive way, acting on the hormones associated with well being and good mood. Oh, and we must not forget that, in addition, coffee is closely linked to social habits of conviviality which, in themselves, increase personal well-being.
Weight Loss
Combined with a regular workout, coffee can help you lose weight and even increase physical activity. The researcher Luciane Arias Saldanha used, in her PhD thesis of the Faculty of Public Health (USP), some groups of rats which, some were applied to exercise caffeine and others did not. The ones that presented more variation of lipolysis increase, making the body mass decrease in comparison to the initial mass, was the group that practiced exercises.
This concludes that the effects of caffeine stimulate weight loss, which, when consumed before exercise, provides more energy and endurance, making it even more enjoyable to practice and thus improving performance in training. Coffee, which is the main source of caffeine that is also rich in minerals, can be a delight and thanks to it, the body gets fat from the fat tissue available to be burned with physical exercise allied to a healthy eating.
According to a report by the Swiss Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee, taking two to four cups of coffee reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. The larger the amount consumed, the smaller the percentage, always remembering that nothing in excess does well.
Another study, conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, indicated that people who drink coffee have a 23% chance of not developing diabetes. Several doctors
report drinking daily, not only for the prevention of diabetes but also for other benefits, such as the ones we are quoting in this post.
In addition to the various minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, coffee speeds up the body’s metabolisms, so chemical reactions happen faster and this can reduce glycemia – which is the concentration of glucose in our blood.
Does Good To The Liver
Coffee for the liver acts as an anti-fibrosing agent, protecting against cirrhosis and cancer. In addition, liver function is preserved because it reduces the process of liver fibrogenesis – which is an exaggerated tissue repair with collagen fibers. Daily cups of coffee also working as a form of shield for possible liver disease.
According to the University of Southampton, it is proven that who drinks more cups of coffee during the day, runs less risk of acquiring cirrhosis, reducing by up to 22%. Being that, the more cups are ingested, the lower the risk of not developing the disease, with four cups resulting in up to 65% less chance.
The Special Coffee is even more beneficial to health! Featuring lighter roasted beans and better processed and flawless grains, special coffee conserves more nutrients. And to make things even better, we have the option of bulletproof coffee , which is made up of special coffees with healthy oils. Imagine a cafe with more health points? Oh, that’s good!
With all these factors, we need to have no doubt that coffee is a source of energy, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. Besides increasing the mood, be tasty and healthy. Oh, do not forget that nothing in excess does well, so drink in the right amount!
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