It was day of merriment and excitement as students of Federal Science and Technical College Orozo, Abuja on 1st October, 2018 welcomed representatives of Vanguard Against Drug Abuse (VGADA) led by its President Dr. Hope Abraham Omeiza at the school premises.
Toktok9ja gathered that VGADA President Dr. Hope Abraham Omeiza, was glad to be received by the crowd of students as he addressed them on the aim of the visit which was to help students gain independence from drug abuse and social vices that have taken control of them, thus piloting their lives in the wrong direction.
According to him, adolescents refer to teenagers between the ages of 10-19 years, which therefore captures secondary school students, and it’s a stage where the reward system of the brain is mostly vulnerable.
Drug abuse by adolescents at this stage will deprive the stimulation and development of the cognitive centers.
Also speaking on the same field was Mr. Ofure Abraham of Smile Planet, who happens to be a partner of VGADA. He urged the students not to allow peer group influence mount pressure on them to make decisions that will affect them negatively.
In the climax of the event, Dr. Hope thanked Mr. Isichei Nnamdi of VGADA for his contributions and passion in helping young students, as a 10 member VGADA club was constituted to enhance sustained sensitization in the school.
Some other members of VGADA present were Mrs. Merrilyn David, and Miss Glory Hope.

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