Meet World’s Youngest Mother Who Gave Birth at the Aged of 5 – Lina Marcela

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Meet World's Youngest Mother Who Gave Birth at the Aged of 5 - Lina Marcela

Lina Marcela Medina de Jurado born 23 September 1933 is a Peruvian woman who became youngest confirmed mother at the age of five years, seven months, and 21 days. Based on medical assessment of her pregnancy, she was less than five years old when she became pregnant. She is also believed to be youngest documented of precocious puberty.

Lina Marcela Medina was born in Tricrapo, Castrovirreyna province, Peru. She was one of nine children.

Her parents brought her to hospital in pisco at age five due to increasing abdominal size. Doctors originally thought she had a tumor, but they then determined she was in her seven months of pregnancy. Dr. Gerardo Lozada took her to lima to have other specialist comfirm that she was pregnant.

Newspapers account indicate that interest in the case developed on many fronts. The San Antonio light news paper in Texas reported in its 16 July 1939 edition that a Peruvian obstetrician and midwife association had demanded that she be transported to a national maternity hospital.

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A month after the original diagnosis Medina gave birth to a baby boy by caeserian secrion, she was five years 7 months, and 21 days old. The youngest person on earth to give birth. The caeserian section was neccesitated by her small pelvis. The surgery was performed by doctor Lozada and Dr. Lussadeu, they discovered that she already have fully matured sexual o rgan from precocious puberty.

Medina son weighed 2.7 kg at birth and was named Gerrardo after her doctor. He was raised believing that Medina was his sister, but found out at age 10 that she was his mother.

Identity of the father

Medina has never revealed the father of the child nor the circumstance of her impregnation. Escomel suggested she might not actually know herself as she couldn’t give precise responses. Lina’s father was arrested on suspecion of child Sexual abuse, but he was released due to lack of evidence, and the biological father was never identified. Her son grew up healthy. He died in 1979 at the age of 40 from bone disease.

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