“Ifeoma Onuike represents a household name which all media outfits, blogs and mega sites across Africa preyed on her success story. From a humble Christian background she raised to fame receiving many accolades and awards.
She started creating her spotlight here at toktok9ja media by sharing her story on the adventure of studying abroad and how she withstood all pressure and obstacles.
Today she handles a column on diaspora connect where she bring together students from all part of the world to share their story on studying abroad in other to inspire and motivate others.
Though this story had been published sometime on this platform, this is a reloaded version with more details for clear readability and comprehension. Enjoy! (Abel Wealth)”
The Story Begins…
I do not want to generalize but with statistics it can be said that so many people have migrated and a large number are still migrating from Nigeria and other African countries to Europe and American. For some they just want to leave their country no matter where the destination might be at all cost.
Though, there are different reasons why people seek after this, the most common reason is due to the harsh economic state of some African Countries. I juggle between two reasons for leaving my country which is education and economic.
Yet this question comes to mind, does it mean there isn’t good education in my country?
Can I not get all the economic resources I need to fulfill my dreams here in Nigeria?
Well, I may have to write an epistle to explain this someday.
The more fascinating question here is when we leave our countries in search of this greener pastures do we get what we seek for?
For now I will tell some part of my story, subsequently, I will share stories from other members of Diaspora Connect (DC).

After I finished my first degree in University of Nigeria Nsukka 2012, where I studied Business Management, I became eager to further, probably to get a second degree in a course of my choice which was Law.
I was passionate about law, I always wanted to be a lawyer, though at Nsukka I was offered admission to study Business Management instead of law which I applied for. So I had to write jamb again twice in 2012, 2013 with no success in gaining admission to study my desired course law.
In 2014 I decided to wait for my BSc result to be ready so I can apply for direct entry to study Law instead of endless writing of Jamb. It was while I was waiting a friend informed me about an Agency that can help me secure admission in North Cyprus with 50% scholarship.
Wow, that was it, a great opportunity I thought, so I calculated the remaining 50% I will have to pay as tuition fee, it was even less compared to some private Universities in Nigeria, so I jump at it. I tried to inquire on the possibility of working while studying, and was assured by the agency that it was very possible.
Oh I was so happy, I started processing my papers, I spent over N500,000 (Five Hundred Thousand Naira) for a process which was supposed to take at most 100,000 (One Hundred Thousand Naira).
My parents kept warning me to be careful because people have lost huge amount of money in this process. My faith was alive, so I completed the process and paid every necessary fee, booked my flight and just like a dream, I got the visa.
Throughout the process I was thinking, planning strategizing, though I had paid for my first semester’s fee I never had an idea on where or how to get the next fee. I even fantasized on how hard I will work at my office space to make enough money to sponsor my education and send some back home to my family.
I imagined how beautiful the streets will be in Cyprus, full of skyscrapers, magnificent buildings, civilized society and all manner of things. Please don’t misunderstand me am not saying Nigeria my Country is not civilized, on the contrary, Nigeria is a great place to stay.
My fantasy kept flooding, I imagined how friendly and accommodating the people of Cyprus will be and yes I knew about racism I just had the positive mindset that the people would look pass my color.
I also thought about how I will improve my English not because I don’t speak well as a Nigerian, but I will also want to improve it to an international standard.
Being an ambitious young woman, I wanted everyone to be able to hear and understand me properly.
On the day I was to depart from Nigeria, I was very nervous and anxious, I and my family members were conveyed in two seana bus. We all took photos at the airport and my parents gave their final advice and farewell as I boarded the plane.
I could not hold my anxiety to reach the dream destination Cyprus!
When the plane finally touched down I took my hand luggage’s and made way for the door, I could not contain the joy inside, the air host and hostess with a big smile on their faces each said ‘ thank you for flying with us, enjoy your stay’ this must be it I said to myself.
I went to the counter where I was to present my passport and be allowed into the country. The man spoke to me in Turkish, he tried to explain to me what they want me to do but I couldn’t understand him.
Then the first reality hit me, for more than 10 minutes no one could speak English and explain the issue to me on why I was being delayed.
I didn’t expect this scenario, during my research about the country it said that English, Turkish and Greek were widely spoken. I became confused at the manner the airport officers where speaking to each other in a language I could not understand.
Will I be deported?
The thought came to me, no I have all my papers I answered myself trying to calm myself about the situation.
To be Continued…

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
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