Nothing Can Ever Convinced me to Accept Isalm – Fareed Vows

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Nothing Can Ever Convinced me to Accept Isalm - Fareed Vows

Nothing Can Ever Convinced me to Accept Isalm, Fareed Vows.

A Muslim lady known as Fareed, have come under fire after she Tweeted that if not that she was born into a Muslim family, she wouldn’t have become a Muslim for anything in the world.

She was angered by the attitude of some practicing Muslims who do not live by the tenets of Islam but resolve to violence and terrorism which though is not common among all Muslims but a few.

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Nothing Can Ever Convinced me to Accept Isalm - Fareed Vows

Some Muslims scholars and imams refer to terrorists as their “misguided brothers” this is to say that they were deceived into a life of terrorism which they say is not part of Islam. Naturally, some Muslim are very lovely and calm, kind and friendly but pray that you won’t meet the fanatics among them

When Ahmed Musa scored a goal for Nigeria, he was criticized by some fantastic who said he was dancing a Christian song and dance steps and was sharply criticized till he silenced them by blocking those people

This lady is not the only one who have been angered by the terrorism of some few elements in Islam. Most of the Nigerian Muslims who convert to other religions always cite terrorism as their major reason for defecting. The worst is that not many Islamic authorities have been bold enough to condemn the acts.

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Nothing Can Ever Convinced me to Accept Isalm - Fareed Vows
Nothing Can Ever Convinced me to Accept Isalm - Fareed Vows
Nothing Can Ever Convinced me to Accept Isalm - Fareed Vows
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