Tag: Diaspora Stories
The Nigerian Law School and my Journey to becoming a Lawyer – Ifeoma Onuike Diaspora Connect
My name is Ifeoma Chinenye Onuike, and this is my story…
After my LLM, I had plans to go for PhD, but I later had a change of mind. I thought it’s wiser to be a professional first in my field and this means I have to attend the Nigerian Law School.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
My Expectation and My Reality Studying in Cyprus (Episode 3) – Ifeoma Onuike Diaspora Connect
My Expectation and My Reality While Studying in Cyprus.
The story continues…

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
Turkish People are the Most Wonderful People I Have Ever Met – Joshua Sopuru, Diaspora Connect (DC)
Nigerian students are known to excel more in academics offshore, and it is our duty to harmonize them hence the purpose of Diaspora Connect (DC). Today we take a look at another amazing young Nigerian youth who has broken boundaries in academic excellence.
Joshua Sopuru is a PhD holder from Girne
American University, Cyprus. In his evaluation of the Turkish people, Joshua
beliefs they are the most wonderful people he had ever met.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
Life on the Streets of Cyprus – The Jay Wahker Story, Diaspora Connect
In a beautiful city like Cyprus where you find attractive locations like the casino, hotels, beaches and lots more, the thoughts of going broke should [more…]
Our Educational System in Nigeria Needs to be Overhauled – Salim Hamza, Diaspora Connect
Cyprus is one destination where students all over the word pursue academic ambition. The small Island produces magnificent sets of graduates from all works of [more…]
The Story Continues… In my first episode I talked about my experience on reaching the airport in Cyprus, and how confused I was with the [more…]
Use Your Hard Earned Money to Invest in Nigeria Instead of Traveling Abroad – Jude Zakariya to Youths
Jude Zakariya is a Nigerian entrepreneur who deals in table water production in Abuja the capital city of Nigeria. He is a graduate of Information [more…]
My expectations and my reality studying at Cyprus (Episode 1 Reloaded) – Ifeoma Onuike, Diaspora Connect
“Ifeoma Onuike represents a household name which all media outfits, blogs and mega sites across Africa preyed on her success story. From a humble Christian [more…]
How Local Fish Seller Rises To Become Anti-Human Trafficking Activist – Ochuko joy Agbeyegbe Story
A Nigerian international student has risen to become an anti-human trafficking activist in far away Cyprus. The lady a 25 year old Miss Ochuko Joy [more…]