Tension as Soldiers/Police and Shiites clash at Nyanya

Estimated read time 2 min read

There was sporadic gunshots and pandemonium on Monday afternoon at the ever-busy AYA-Nyanya road as soldiers and police personnel stopped members of the Shiites group who had been trying to gain access into Abuja from doing so.

The Shiite members, in their hundreds, had assembled at Nyanya, where they began a procession and barricaded the road thereby preventing motorists and other road users from accessing the road.

Their presence naturally raised tension among traders and commercial vehicle operators in the area who abandoned their vehicles and goods and ran for dear life.

The soldiers were reportedly called in after the police battled unsuccessfully to chase the Shiite members away.

The Shiites members reportedly threw stones and other dangerous weapons at the policemen injuring some in the process.

The soldiers shot into the air to disperse the crowd who took to their heels upon sighting the soldiers.

As at time of filing this report, it was gathered that the popular Abacha Barracks and the Kugbo Furniture  Market was like a ghost town as motorists and commercial motorcycle operators abandoned the road while the soldiers were working hard to restore normalcy.

Meanwhile, residents, especially those living at Kugbo, Nyanya, Karu, Mararaba, Masada and Keffi, have been warned to stay away until normalcy is restored in the area.

Commander, Guards Brigade, when contacted could not be reached as his phone line was busy.

Public Relations Officer in charge of the FCT police command could also not be reached as his phone line was also busy.

Details later…

From Toktok9ja Media

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