The Story of One of The Deadliest Armed Robber in Nigeria Who Slept With His Mother For Spiritual Powers.
One of the most notorious armed bandits on Nigeria in the 1990s was Shina Rambo. He was well built, dark-skinned, and about 6 ft 5inch tall with terrifying eyes.
According to reports, Shina Rambo was said to have gotten his mysterious powers after he performed a ritual that was considered an abomination.
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He was said to have slept with his blood mother for spiritual powers which made him indestructible.
He later became a born-again Christian and was christened by Mathew Oluwanifemi after serving a jail term for his crimes.
Shina was feared by so many Nigerians who lived in the South Western part of the country and in places outside Nigeria like Benin Republic.
Shina Rambo was born in 1958 in Abeokuta to a military officer who married 18 wives and his mother was from Edo state.
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Shina’ s father was a corrupt military officer who used his influence as an officer to extort and rob people of their valuables and took huge amount of money home.
According to Shina who recalled how his father came home with a lot of money, foreign currencies, with blood on it. and they were using a woman’s scarf to wipe it and when Shina who was 7 years as at then asked him if it was animal or human blood, he was ignored by his father and a group of corrupt military officers who were just drinking, smoking, and merry-making.
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His father taught him how to dismantle and assemble all sorts of weapons and how to service guns at the tender age of 7 years.
Shina Rambo was involved in so many rituals to get spiritual powers and fortifications.
He was so powerful and he went underground and inside trees that looked like a city with a lot of beautiful houses inside the trees.

He also went into a river called River of life in Ogoja, where top politicians and wealthy men used to go for spiritual fortifications. The dreaded Criminal had so many personalities and could change his form whenever he wanted hence the reason the police were busy killing innocent people and thought they were killing Shina Rambo.
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According to Shina, the 9 herbalists gave him that power and he became stronger than them. One day he visited their shrines and killed all of them so that they won’t reveal his secrets.
Shina said he had too many powers and gave anything it took to acquire powers.
He said he once beheaded one hundred men and gave their heads fresh to his herbalists and they were so happy with him that they made me invincible.
Shina who regretted that of all the things he did to get power, the one that still breaks his heart the most is sleeping with his mother who is 85 years old and still alive. Whenever he sets his eyes on her, he will just start crying because he can’t bear it, he lamented.
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Shina Rambo never liked the police as he would go to police stations in broad daylight and kill every policeman there, drove to checkpoints, and open fire on every policeman on duty as he didn’t like the police and was never afraid of them and he operated in broad day light-armed to the teeth.
Shina once robbed 40 exotic cars in one day and drove all of them in a convoy from Lagos to Cotonou without being stopped. Rambo was wealthy, powerful, and invincible. He was a demi-god apparently came from hell as everyone dreaded him. He had a wife and three children, but he lost all of them in one day during a bloody police raid whilst he was away on an operation. His wife was his stabilizing factor for him as his life changed afterward.
Rambo who made this confession in an open ground revival in Ibadan disclosed that he had everything and was very wealthy. He said sometimes he spent 50 million naira in a day and was never shaken.
‘ There was one day that we were coming from an operation and it seemed as if my powers were going to fail me, the police and the army were almost closing in on us, so we had to drive into a crowd and threw millions of naira in the air, there was a commotion, everybody was busy picking naira notes even the police, until we escaped’ ‘, he also added.
Shina Rambo who said he handed himself to the police and was jailed for 11 years as he lost all what he had including his family.
Rambo said he met the Lord miraculously through a chance encounter in prison with Prophet T. O Obadare and since then his life had not remained the same.
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