Apr 11, 2018 3:25 AM

Partha Sarthy
Fitness Consultant (2017-present)
14w ago
360 abs Workout : 360 abs to sculpt a washboard stomach and improve core stability all at once. While in a push-up position, you must keep your torso completely still as your legs create sweeping circles in different directions. Doing smaller loops hit your six-pack muscles, while bigger ones hit your hips, oblique and lower back.
Knee Crunches : it target primarily the higher abs, with some stimulation of the lower abs. I prefer this exercise as a result of it takes all pressure off the lower back, thus you’ll specialise in strengthening your abs. the sole draw back is that some folks feel some strain in their neck as they are doing this exercise. If that’s the case, simply do traditional crunches along with your feet on the ground, hands behind your head.
Side Planks With Knee Pull: To do a side plank with knee pull, go into a side plank, stack your feet one in front of the other. Draw the back leg up towards the chest, crossing it briefly into the front. Then return the bottom leg to its original position. Repeat this several times on each side.
Decline Russian Twists: Position your body on a decline bench in order that you’re leaning backwards along with your feet facing up underneath the foot pad. raise yourself up from the bench in order that your core muscles engaged. From this position you may twist your body to the left and to the right, for a given range of repetitions.
Reverse Crunches : This exercise is a lot more challenging because you have to keep BOTH your legs up by using your abs muscles. In this exercise lower abs are hit hard and at the top of the movement, your upper abs squeeze intensely as well.One last thing, try to keep your heels fairly close to your butt at the top position, don’t allow your heels to swing to high. If you have lower back problems, I suggest you do’not do this exercise.
Full Contact Twists: Position the bar for a few free weights within the corner of the area. Then place one hand on prime of the opposite at the highest of this sporting goods bar, holding it up ahead of you at associate degree angle. flip your body initial to the left, bending down through the knees and drawing the bar down with you. Then pivot to the correct, bending your knees and transfer the bar around in a very reasonably arc.
Pull Ups: Ab workouts are very demanding, one such is ”pull ups”. It not only gives a definition to your body but also allows it gather strength.Pull ups are very difficult to do as it requires pulling up your body with the arms on your own with head reaching to the hands and then coming back to the position.
Reverse Push-up : It is also considered to be most excruciating out of all the workouts.A reverse push-up will work it so hard your abs will want to form a labor union.So this ab exercise also works for your shoulders and arms, gives you a killer core workout at the same time.
Leg raises: In this particular workout you have to raise your leg lying on a flat bed right up to 90 degree’s and then taking back to the start point. Repeat this exercise 20-30 times. If done regularly it is effective like no other workout. Individuals who do it regularly do a minimum of 100-200.

Arpit Kacker
studied Commerce at Kundan Vidya Mandir, Ludhiana (2013)
11w ago
There’s no secret to developing your six pack. Check out these 6 nutrition and training tips to find out how you can succeed at your quest for six pack abs!
When trying to develop the ever so elusive six pack, it is easy to get caught up in flashy advertisements and marketing promises. The flashy videos, professionally written sales copy, and celebrity testimonials practically make it impossible to figure out what works and what is a scam.
Protein will help you build lean muscle as well as burn body fat. Out of all the macronutrients (protein, carbs, and fat) lean protein has the highest thermogenic effect on the body.
That makes it the most valuable macronutrient of all, because your body burns a ton of calories breaking it down.
This is one of the main reasons why professional athletes and competitive bodybuilders eat a diet that is high in lean protein and also have some of the best physiques on the planet! This goes for women also, not just men.
Most people have been falsely led to believe that carbohydrates are bad and that they will make you fat. This is definitely a myth that needs to be busted!
Of course eating too much of anything will make you gain weight, but natural grain or starchy carbs such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, and oatmeal are actually quite beneficial in your six pack quest, especially when consumed post-workout. When you eat carbs post-workout, they have the smallest chance of turning into body fat.
Try to eat moderate amounts of carbs and 1-2 cups of vegetables with each meal. This will ensure that your body gets the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber it needs to function at its peak and remain healthy.
Make sure you include healthy fats primarily from polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats such as raw nuts, nut butters, fish oils and olive oils into your diet.By combining lean protein with the correct types and amounts of green leafy vegetables, good carbs, and fats you will begin to super charge your metabolism and turn your body into a 24-7 fat burning machine.
The best part about that is that you will be able to do it without a miracle supplement, ab gadget, and without doing hundreds of crunches.
In order to burn fat and reveal your washboard, six pack abs, it is important to eat a balanced diet that is made up of protein, healthy fats, and some carbohydrates.
Protein helps form the building blocks of muscle and is probably the most essential macronutrient of them all, mainly because your body burns a ton of calories digesting protein.
Compound, multi-joint, total body movements will promote more total fat loss and promote a much bigger muscle building response than crunches and sit-ups ever will.
Personally, I think that it is completely pointless to waste an hour of your time doing hundreds of useless crunches and sit-ups when that hour could be spent doing exercises that are more productive for fat loss.
Working as a fitness model, I generally work abs for about 20 minutes two or three times per week.
Barbell Squats (minimum 8–10 sets / 10–12 reps)Dumbell Lunges ( 4 sets – 15/12/10/8reps)Barbell Deadlifts (3–5 sets Moderate Weight)Push-ups 6 sets 10 eachPull ups 6 sets 10 each
I’m sure you’ve probably heard that the best way to burn fat is to do long duration cardio at a slow to medium pace. This fat loss method is decent, but there is a much better way. I suggest doing interval workouts combined with abdominal exercises.
During the active recovery period of your interval workout, perform an ab exercise. For example, if you are doing interval sprints on a stationary bike or treadmill, run for 30 seconds at your maximum speed.
I am referring a link this will help you achieve your goals !

Aakash Sharma
former Men Health
4w ago
Nothing else demonstrates fitness and attractiveness to the opposite sex as well a great looking stomach. So, it is no surprise that both guys and girls want sexy six pack abs. The only problem is, what’s the healthiest and most effective way to achieve a six pack of abs?
The answer lies in a low body fat percentage. This is achieved most quickly through a healthy diet, strength training and aerobic exercise.
But to have a really great six pick, you will want a well-developed midsection. So I have included 3 of the most effective abdominal exercises as recommended by the American Council on Exercise. By performing the following exercises consistently, week in and week out, you’ll get that six pack fast.
It may seem as if this exercise focuses only on the lower abs, but your abdominals are one long muscle, so you can not really separate the upper abs from the lower abs.
1. Lie down on the floor and place your hands on the floor or behind your head (avoid pulling on your neck).
2. Bring your knees in toward your chest until they reach about 90 degrees, with your feet crossed or together.3 Exercises for Sexy Six Pack Abs
3. Contract your abs so that you curl your hips off the floor, reaching your legs up to the ceiling.
4. Lower and then repeat the exercise for 12-16 reps.
5. Although this is a small movement, try to use the abdominals to lift the hips instead of swinging the legs to create momentum.
During a full vertical crunch, your abs are really worked by involving both your lower and upper body.
1. Lie down on your back and straighten your legs up to the ceiling.
2. Place your hands behind the head (remember, do not strain your neck) and contract your abs so that you lift your shoulder blades off the floor.
3. Then, press your heads towards the ceiling, in order to create a ‘U’ shape with your torso.
4. Lower and repeat the movement for 12-16 reps.
The Ab Rocker exercise requires the Ab Rocker machine which can be found in most fitness clubs.
1. Sit down on the Ab Rocker and grip the bars with each hand.
2. Contract your abs and tilt forward, by using your abs instead of momentum from rocking back and forth.
3. Release and then repeat the movement for 1-3 sets of 12-16 repetitions.
4. Be sure to go slowly in order to reduce your momentum. Try to focus on your abs instead of pushing with your arms.

Tim Ernst
Fitness Expert, Udmey Teacher and Founder of TurnAroundFitness.com/180Muscle.com
57w ago
These 5 muscles are the key to exercising for a flat stomach — Don’t waste time training theWRONG muscles!
by Dr. Kareem Samhouri – CSCS, HFS
Neuro Metabolic Fitness & Rehab Expert
Neuro Metabolic Fitness & Rehab Expert
Original article can be found here=>5 Muscles for a Flat Stomach
“Spinal Stabilization + Proper Exercise Selection + a healthy Anti-Inflammatory Diet” is the key to a flat stomach; increase your metabolism by signaling muscle growth.
From an exercise standpoint, the more you work the muscles that stabilize your spine, the faster you signal your body to lose fat and reduce your waistline.
Think about your abs as your spinal cord protectors, even though they’re on the other side. When you protect your body, it gets lean, and prepares to be able to withstand more. Your “six pack muscle” (rectus abdominus) is an after-effect of training the rest of your core.
Your true core is made up of the following muscles:
External ObliquesInternal ObliquesTranversus AbdominusMultifidiPsoas
In some cases it’s worth considering your Quadratus Lumborum when training your core, but we’ll talk more about side-bending, whichwill affect your hip bone definition, in a moment.
If you’re training other muscles and you think you’re exercising your core, you’re training the wrong muscles.
The 5 true core muscles are the only ones that really matter when it comes to training your abs for a flat stomach. Once you get a flat stomach, you can always enhance the ripple effect by improving definition of the rectus abdominus; but should you go out of order, your body will reduce the speed of your results.
The reason that your body wants to see you train your abs in this order is because it is the best survival strategy.
Protect your most vital organs, and above all else, protect your brain, spinal cord, and heart. When you train your ‘true core’ muscles in your abdomen, you are also tightening something called ‘fascia.’
Fascia is basically a connective web of tissue that lines every organ in your body, attaches muscle to ligaments, ligaments to bones, and acts as a protective layer for your entire body.
Fascia runs through every aspect of your body, from your veins and arteries, all the way out to your skin.
When you train your internal and external obliques, you provide greater stability to these muscles, but they also have a connective web of tissue that attaches them to your lower spine, called your Thoracolumbar Fascia. In other words, tighten your obliques and TVA, and you’ll stabilize your spine through this fascia.
Your multifidus, or multifidi for plural, are triangularly shaped muscles that are on either side of each spinal segment, and they help you rotate, or when working together, backwards bend.
When you train these muscles, you are working directly on spinal stabilization, so you are signaling your body to get a flatter stomach.
Lastly, we have your psoas. Your psoas is a hip flexor, and it begins on the front of your spine, or super deep in your abdomen. It’s job is to help you bring your knee towards your chest, but when it’s wound up, it forces your low back to extend instead.
What should be helping you glide your knee towards your chest is now forcing other areas of your body to substitute movement and try to help out by accomplishing the motion.
This causes a lot of undue stress on your low spine, and it goes against the goal of a flat stomach.
As you can see, each of the 5 muscles has a specific purpose for protecting your spine, and assisting with multi-dimensional movement. That’s what this is all about: 3D Movement.
By moving in 3D, you are constantly forcing your body to train in a functional way. The real-world is 3D, it has bumps, grooves, and things that throw you off balance. Sometimes you have to walk up a hill, step over a pothole, or do some stairs.
At times, you have to back up, move to the side, or reach and grab something on the opposite side of your body.
Simulate real-world demands in your training program and your body learns to believe it needs to get leaner to get through your day. You know the saying: “Use it or lose it.”
This is so true, but there’s even more to that statement, if you ask me:
Use it or lose it; but when you use it, grow it.
Your body will grow and respond to any stress or demand you place upon it (Wolff’s Law.) Exercise, when done in a real-world way, makes your body believe it requires greater strength, less fat, or more energy for its day. Your body adapts, and it helps you cope with your environment.
On the other hand, when you train the wrong way, or in one or two planes of motion, you lose the ‘meaning’ behind your exercise program, and your body responds by halting or slowing your results.
This brings up the topic of training ‘sideways,’ which is equally important to training rotationally.
We have a massive and powerful muscle on our sides called our Quadratus Lumborum. It’s job is to help us sidebend (hand to side of knee) or when used on both sides, to flex our trunks (bend over.)
Interestingly, when you’re working out, your Q.L., for short, has one more very important purpose — holding your lower ribs down when you breathe in heavily. You can imagine how often you’re using your Q.L. when you’re training your core in an intense way.
It’s almost part of the same group of muscles, but the nature of this muscle is a bit different, in that it cannot sustain a muscle contraction for as long as the rest of your core.
As a result, we’re going to train the Q.L. with a lot of dynamic movements, like:
Side Step SquatQ.L. SidebridgesSpider Planks
This way, when we pair the three exercises above with stabilization exercises, such as planks and bridges, we work all dimensions of our true core and truly stabilize our spines.
Remember, there is a right way and a wrong way to exercise.
When you exercise the right way, your body adapts by losing fat and giving you a flat stomach.
Get ripped by using these 7 super-effective tips for losing stomach fat and getting lean six pack abs faster than you think is possible…7 Super-Effective Tips for Losing Stomach Fat & Getting Lean Six Pack Abs for Life

Ivan Miller
Fitness/Nutrition Enthusiast, Data Engineer, Mountain Biker
45w ago
This muscle is the one you want to develop to get a six-pack.
For most people, getting a six-pack is much more of a mental challenge than a physical one. This is ESPECIALLY true if you fall under the spectrum of beginner-intermediate in terms of lifting—because you’ll probably have less abdominal development than an advanced lifter.
This means that:
getting a FULL six pack requires you to be VERY lean, in the neighborhood of 8–9% body fat for most peoplegetting to a low body fat percentage is HARD, especially if you haven’t been there before
The reason you’ll have to train your brain is that you’re going to have to have the willpower to:
feel hungry and go without foodchoose lower calorie, nutrient dense options much more frequently in your dietmaintain a rigorous exercise regime.
I’ve found that the physical aspect of getting a six pack is MUCH EASIER than the mental fortitude it takes to get their your first time.Check this out for more info on why!

Mark Bowen
former Personal Trainer at Fitness
9w ago
You don’t need complex machinery or expensive memberships to sculpt a great core: the only real piece of kit you need is a few square feet of floor. Based on workout recommendations from Greenwich personal trainer Danny Fisher, I’ve sifted through some tried-and-tested moves to find the best ones, culminating in a gruelling three-circuit superset workout designed to hit every part of your abs. How to get Six Pack Abs in 30 Days?
Why? These old-school favourites have gone the distance for a reason. A study by the American Council of Exercise looked at crunches alongside the effectiveness of popular core-busting kit such as the Ab Roller, Ab Lounge, and Circle Pro, and the humble crunch showed the greatest muscle activation overall. If it ain’t broke…
Why? So much of our focus is placed on the abdominal muscles that very little attention is paid to the obliques. These stabilising muscles are engaged in almost every compound lift, and paying them some attention now will pay off when you’re working your entire core in exercises such as deadlifts.
Why? Having just talked about compound moves engaging your core, the spiderman press-up is designed to do exactly that. While it’s targeting your chest and triceps like any other press-up, since you’re only being supported on three points of contact when you move your leg forward, this means that your abdominals and other core muscles have to work harder to maintain stability.
Why? One of the hardest ab exercises around is also one of the most effective. It does need a pull-up bar to work, but can still be done in the comfort of your own home. Variations such as the hanging twisting knee raise keeps the exercise fresh.
Why? Rugby full-back Ben Foden’s core move of choice, frog sit-ups takes your hip flexors out of the equation, leaving your abdominals to pick up the slack. A tight, intensive move.
Why? This tricky variation on your average plank engages your entire body as your core works to centre yourself. Your forearms won’t be taking the brunt of your weight here: on your hands, your whole body needs to be held in place by your core for the duration of the exercise. Brutal.
Why? As well as providing a new angle for the classic plank, the muscles targeted by this move end up supporting the lower back and preventing back pain in later life. Researchers at Kuopio University in Finland found those with stronger hip and back extensor muscles suffered less from lower back pain. Straighten up by lying down.
Why? The only other exercise on our list that requires any equipment, the Russian Twist works with either a weight plate or a medicine ball. Much more effective than static rotations standing up, your core must be continually engaged to keep you balanced while the twist works either side of your body. Both sides? That’s one rep.
Why? Our final exercise will feel like a real killer. After all the punishment you’ve been through, we’re asking you to hold that “v” position for three seconds each time for ten reps, testing your level of control over your core. Made it to the end?
There are over 30 different exercises that will help you accomplish this goal. No gym, no equipment needed.

Kaushal Mistry
Fitness Expert
28w ago
The 10-minute six-pack abs workout
Attempt to perform this workout between 2-4 times every week, either as a ‘standalone’ session or bolted to the end of your standard routine. With no rest concerning moves, it should take you may 10 minutes to comprehensive. Combined with a healthy diet and some quality fat-burning health supplements, this is the quickest way for any six-pack.
The routine (repeat 3 times)
That long-arm crunch 12 repetitions
Reverse crunch 12 repetitions
Janda sit-up 12 repetitions
The Jacknife 12 repetitions
Extended plank 45 a few seconds
1. The overhead abdominal crunch
How to do the idea: Lie on your back with all your knees bent and ones arms straightened behind people. Then, keeping your arms straight above the main, perform a traditional abdominal crunch. The movement should end up slow and controlled.
Figures, benefits do it: By extending your arms you find a longer ‘lever’ to that exercise, placing a greater strain relating to the upper region of that rectus abdominis.
2. The reverse crunch
Ways to do it: Lie on the back and place the hands behind your head, in that case bring your knees with towards your chest until such time as they’re bent to 92 degrees, with feet jointly or crossed. Contract your abs to help curl your hips heli-copter flight floor, reaching your legs up to your ceiling, then lower your legs back off to their original position without letting your toes touch the floor. The following ensures your abs are generally continually activated.
The exercise ought to be slow and controlled, without the need of leg swinging or excessive use of hip flexors. Pay particular focus on the downward phase – it can be tempting to let ones legs drop, but they key may be to maintain tension in the abdominals in the entire exercise.
Why it’s best to do it: Although absolutely vital to remember that your rectus abdominis is usually one long muscle that travels out of your lower chest to your pelvis and therefore most abdominal specific exercises train the complete muscle, the reverse crunch might emphasise the lower the main stomach muscle.
3. Janda sit-up
Ways to do it: Lie on the back with your legs bent and hands placed behind the main. Then try ‘digging’ your heels in the floor, contracting your hamstrings, whilst performing a regular crunch.
Why you ought to it: The theory is usually that by contracting ones hamstrings, you disengage ones hip flexors, which successively makes the muscles in the stomach work that much harder in the exercise.
4. Frozen / Sit
Frozen v stay
How to do the idea: Lie down on ones back with your legs and arms outstretched and your wrists and hands and feet lifted just above the bottom. Begin the exercise just by simultaneously raising your torso and legs as much touch your feet. Hold for any required time.
Why it’s best to do it After especially targeting (and pre-exhausting) the top and lower regions in the rectus abdominis muscle, the frozen V-sit exercise is a wonderful way to comprehensively train the abdominals in their entirety within a exercise.
quickest way for any six pack
5. That extended plank
How to undertake it Get into some sort of press-up position, placing your hands around 10 inches facing your shoulders, with the toes to your shoes placed against the bottom. Hold this position with all your back straight and make an attempt to continue to breathe since normal.
Why you should do it Very like the traditional plank, this specifically trains that transverse abdominis muscle – that deepest layer of abdominal muscle muscle which wraps in the whole midsection. By extending your hands at night shoulders you force the muscles mixed up in plank to work for a larger (and more difficult) selection of movement. This tough edition is, without question, the quickest way for any six-pack.
Original site on Quora

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