“Why Many Are Calling This Bolt Driver a Hero: The Full Story of Stephen Abuwatseya and Hon. Alex Mascot Ikwecheg, as Told by Maria Ude Nwachi”.
The bolt driver, Stephen Abuwatseya, brutalised by Alex Mascot Ikwecheg is a hero. Don’t let anyone make you believe otherwise. Our politicians are not only looting us blind and making us suffer poverty excruciatingly, over 99% of them treat us like we are beneath dirt. Nothing will justify with Alex did. Don’t let anyone confuse you into thinking what he did to that bolt driver is okay. Remember we are all the bolt driver. Those of us with no connection or rich parent are all the bolt driver and these oppressors can come for us at any time, and you will sing a different tune when you enter their trap.
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Note: I wrote this piece on Monday, 5:30pm, but I privated it because I wanted to see if Alex will apologise as I knew and wrote it was the only option he had, If you go down a few posts on my wall, you will see the original post. I simply added a bit more here.
Excerpts from their exchange:
Alex: Do you do you know who you’re talking to? Do you know where you are? Because you saw me sitting outside here.
Driver: It doesn’t matter, sir. Pay me, let me go.
Alex: Look at this m○nkie
Driver: I don’t care what I am.
Driver: Are you slapping me, sir?
Alex: You see this place? You suffer. I’ll deal with you.
Driver: Are you slapping me, sir?
Alex: I just did. Slap me back.
Driver: Okay.
Alex: How dare you?
How dare you? How dare you?
Driver: That’s fine.
Alex: How dare you know, do you know who I am?
Driver: that’s fine.
Alex: How dare you?
Driver: Did you did you just slap me 3 times, sir?
Alex: Twice. The third one, you’ll still you’ll still receive it. How dare you?
Common get out of this place.
Driver: I need my payment, sir.
Alex: You came to my house to disrespect me.
Driver: I didn’t disrespect you. I said pay me my money and let me leave.
See composure! The common person in Nigeria has been indoctrinated into worshipping the same people l00ting us blind, the same people making our lives a living agony, just because they are in power and have access to too much money they don’t work for, while I & over 99% of the population groan in pernury and lack. Alex is furiously pissed that he identified how powerful he is and the boy did not flinch, he kept it professional and just wanted to be paid so he can go back to his life of contentment.
Most Nigerians are v!ctims of the Stockholm Syndrom, we are captives loving our situation and our captors. Because this driver did not lie down and worship Alex, some believe he was disrespectful towards Alex when he was NOT in any way, just because most of us, including me, will immediately defer to their authority does not mean all will. There are still young men out there who are not impressed by boastful, mean, viIe, and arrogant big men, they will not insult them but they will not worship them or show them undue reverence. AND THAT IS FREAKING RIGHT. No be by force.
Some are even claiming the driver came prepared. Just because of his calmness, fearlessness, and composure. Alex beating him left and right and he never raised his hands to fight back. Suddenly bolt company some how conspired to send him to Alex to him to be humiliated. This is all to defend the indefensible. Shame…
Alex words:
**Do you know where you are? Do you know who I am?
**I can make this man to disappear the the whole Nigeria and Nothing will happen.
**I’m not going to call my policemen to beat you up.
**I will slap the hell out of you, and I will lie you down, lock it in my in my generator house.
**Do you know who I am? I’m a senator of this republic.
**I will beat you up. I will show you that I’m a big brother to you. I will slap the hell out of you, and I will lie you down, lock it in my in my generator house. How dare you?
Who would have believed this dude said all these if not for video? Chai. Degeneration.
It is not the duty of the driver to lay on the ground to show mega respect to anyone, no matter how rich and powerful they are. He was doing his job. Again and again, anyone defending the actions of Alex would be power drunk if they near power and we would all be at their mercy.
Do you know that after treating the diver like a blkk man caught by Klansmen in Alabama. He called cops on him and they bundled him to police station and over the counter. He still went there to roar at him and questioning why he should be poor and disobey him. This is a man who sees himself as white amongst his objects…buy relies on looked funds to be the rich man he claims he us. He was a chairman of LGA in Abia, and his objects there call him Onyeocha in Aba, making him believe he is above all blkks. Making him act like apartheid master, calling the driver m○nkie and rat, like they call us in USA Sundown cities, Klans domains, and apartheid cities.
To those defending Alex or justifying his action to curry his favor or because they admire his Idiamin moves and wish to be in power so they will teach us all lessons, you came late, you came very late, Alex has likely been doing this all his life and this was nature’s way of taming him (temporarily, at least). If this were not on video, no one will believe it happened, even I would doubt it but luckily the driver video taped it for all. The only thing Akex must do now is apologise to Nigerians and to the Young man and face the consequences which won’t be anything as he is rich and powerful.
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That is the only option Alex has. He has been caught this time red handed. He has only one option and that is apology and facing what comes next…it won’t be much. He is rich and powerful.
Addendum: Well the above I wrote on Monday, and it came to pass that he put up an apology which was a very very bad apology. I am in PR and do this for many caught red handed in chit. I tell my clients, I don’t do IFs, make excuses, deflect, give reasons or deviate in apologies, and they usually say, go ahead. The arrogance in Alex’s apology was palpable! Deplorable. He was not even sorry because he went on his IG story and wrote, SHOW RESPECT, RECEIVE RESPECT. Alex no one owes you respect.
Ever wonder why those who have been in power and who have enjoyed the loots and privileges rarely live abroad? Rarely. They can visit but won’t live there for anything. Do you know that what Alex did would be a crime in the developed world? Physical assault is a felony. If he had done this in the US, he would have been arrested instantly, and would face jail, and would undoubtedly face severe censure from chambers. And it won’t even be him vs the driver; it will be he vs the state the crime was committed. He will also lose his position.
In closing, the composure of that bolt driver is so soothing and sweet. Even as poverty is ravaging us, some still have dignity and are content with their legitimate income and will not lie down and cower for some power-drunk fellow human. I am glad he held himself and never fought that heartless man back. Rather he called for help. And he is so lucky to have a video if not no one will believe him. The tolerance threshold of this young man should be studied in Havard biko. Damn.
The bolt driver, Stephen Abuwatseya, is a hero.
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“Why Many Are Calling This Bolt Driver a Hero: The Full Story of Stephen Abuwatseya and Hon. Alex Mascot Ikwecheg, as Told by Maria Ude Nwachi”

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
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