Category: Burning Issues
Tribalism and Religion are Artificial Problems Created by Selfish Leaders for their Own Personal Interest
There are only two major tribes in Nigeria. The Elites and the Masses. Once you make lots of money, you belong to the elite tribe. When you are a commoner or suffering, you belong to the tribe of the masses. If you are an elite, and you need more power, or elective position, you sow seeds of tribalism and religion among the masses, so as to sway their emotion for your personal victory. This happens at both the national and state level. Unfortunately, after the election when they have won and joined their “sworn enemies” to drink and party, the gullible masses continue to fight each other.
Even smart people who belong to the masses, sometimes will sow seeds of tribalism and religion among the masses, and then the masses will carry them up until they belong to the elite class. It is a classic strategy used over 3000 years ago in the art of war. A commoner who aspires to sit with the elites, could stir up powerful tribal or religious sentiments, such wave if properly utilized either by shedding blood or destabilizing the elites, carries the commoner to the elite class. But once there, he immediately mingles and makes peace with the elite tribe, and turn his back on the same masses that helped him get there.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
This Man’s Action Made Lloyd George Become the Prime Minister of England
The great David Lloyd George became the Prime Minister of England because a man showed mercy.
In England in 1920 there was a graduation ceremony for a batch of new doctors. It was attended by the British Prime Minister of that time. During the ceremony, the head doctor who was in charge of that batch, gave the necessary advice to these new graduates.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
My Husband Starves Me, Beats and N3ked Me In the Middle of the Night – I Need Your Advice
I Need Your Advice, please Admin help me post this story so that people can advice me.
I got married 2018 Jan and I never enjoyed that marriage, I am a graduate of Federal Polytechnic Nekede.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
Why the Great QUEEN IDEN of Benin Kingdom was Buried Alive
Queen Iden of Benin Kingdom was the faithful and beloved wife of Oba Ewuakpe of the great of Benin Kingdom. She was the pride and embodiment of love, strength, courage, brevity, African beauty and femininity.
Ewuakpe became Oba (king) in the ancient Benin kingdom at about 1700 A.D. He was the 26th monarch of the hereditary title of Benin dynasty.
Meanwhile, many years before Ewuakpe became king, precisely between 1440-1473 AD, Oba Ewuare had prophesied that there would be a time when Benin Kingdom would experience bad times. This came to pass during the reign of Oba Ewuakpe.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
Expose! How Waist Beads Saved my Life in Saudi Arabia
A young woman Mrs Lateefat Adojoke has narrated her experiences in the hand of her master while working as housemaid in Saudi Arabia as how waist beads saved her life.
Mrs Lateefat, a mother of two, was granting interview to pen pushers at a workshop organized by the Department of Adult Education of University of Ibadan, on Wednesday. Mrs Lateefat was reported to be among the rescued Nigerians from Saudi, who had gone there to work as domestic staff.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
1. Kill your excuses and procrastination.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
Go with these beautiful and thought provoking quotes into 2020!
Go with these beautiful and thought provoking quotes into 2020!
Never play with the feelings of others, Because you may win the game but the risk is that you will surely lose the person for a lifetime.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
It Took Me 10 Mins to Understand this Photo, Do you Understand It?
How long will it take you to understand this photo?
You might need to look at it in different angle, upside down, sideways and even from angle 90 to understand this photo.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
This is How Evil Men Lure and Kill Victims for Rituals
This is How Evil Men Lure and Kill Victims for Rituals
A lady shared the new method of how evil men lure and killed victims for rituals and evil money making.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
Why is it Always Difficult to be Born Again in Nigeria?
I have lost count the number of times I gave my life to Christ, a true born again. The devil keep coming after me.
I went to my church on Friday night and gave my life to Christ and surrendered all to Him totally. I have been in that holy and righteous spirit until this morning.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
Husband Divorce Wife For Teaching Others How to Murder Men on Facebook
Husband Divorce Wife after she was allegedly supporting murdering of husbands on a Facebook group.
A feminists by name Vivian Chidinma Chidubem has been kicked out by her new husband over the comment she made in “Extraordinary Mums & Singles” Facebook group in which she expressed support for slaughtering of husband and even added that instead of using knife they should remove the break of their husband’s car so that he can be involve in fatal accident and die or sustain mortal injury.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
A married lady by the name Vivian (other names withed) shared a sad story of how her husband treated her for denying him sex.
She is seeking for justice and advice after her husband slapped and forcefully had carnal knowledge of her after she told him she was tired.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
What is Social Capital and Why is it So Important?
There is something in life called “Social Capital.” The people you know; the people who know you and how they know you.
Quite unfortunately, people think or behave like social capital is only needed on weddings and burials. That is why you see someone will not have contacted you in ten years but out of the blue they are sending you a message, “Hello so and so, long time. Btw, next Sunday is my pre-wedding. I need your support.”!

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
Phone Hack 101- Do this Before Pass-wording your Handset
Phone Hack 101; before adding a password or lock pattern on your phone consider taking this precaution, it might save your life.
We the youth of today are fond of putting password/patterns on our phones which makes it difficult for someone to access it in case of unfortunate situations like phone loss, sickness, accident or even death. But with these few knowledge I’m going to share, perhaps we can save ourselves and the lives of others also.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
21 Secrets of Influential Men
21 Secrets of Influential Men.
It’s not only money that makes a man influential, though money is necessary.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
Alcohol drinks are consumed daily by people, but very few really know the biblical truth about alcohol.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
11 Secrets to Health Living for Ladies
Ladies in the House, pls take time to rest this year – 2020
There are some rules as a woman you have to follow to live a healthy and fulfilled life. We have put up 11 Secrets to Health Living for ladies and we think you should take a look.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
Some Causes of Accident During December Month
What are some causes of accident during December?
There are no special demons that cause accident during December, it is lack of planning and unnecessary competition that leads to all manner of tragedies this period.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
Things That Will Happen in 2020, Read and Learn
What to know about 2020 and things that will happen.
Year 2020 is less than three weeks from today, it is important to note that; 2020 is not just a year but the beginning of a new DECADE; 2020 to 2029.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
The Anatomy of Power and It’s Relevance
The Anatomy of Power and It’s Relevance in modern family.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
How God Delivered me from Yahoo Yahoo Ritual Boys
How God Delivered me from Yahoo Yahoo Ritual Boys.
Lesson: Don’t Touch Money on ATM, Even if You Know or See the Owner.
(Learn from this story)
I want you all to join me in thanking God for His protection over me on Friday last week.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.