Everyone enjoys the sweet feeling that comes from sticking a cotton bud in the ear, twisting it around and taking it out. It’s almost orgasmic. We do it often because the body feels good and wrongly assume that “dirt” is being removed from the ears while indulging in this act. This is not true, what actually happens is that the Cotton Bud picks the top wax produce in the ear, takes it out while also pushing the rest of the wax further down the innermost part of the ears.
Now the risk is that pushing down ear wax can affect ear drum which could result to deafness. The ear has a self-cleansing conveyor belt mechanism that automatically pushes out excessive ear wax preventing it from building up more than necessary.
We usually don’t notice this because the wax gets expelled in bits while bathing or on the pillow while sleeping.
However, there’s a peculiar group of people who have Impacted Ear Wax, which requires medical attention with getting out ear wax. This only happens to about 5 out of every 100 people.
This condition may result to difficulties with hearing, itching, ringing and other symptoms.
Some of the causes of impacted earwax are; old age, long term use of cotton buds which has made wax accumulate, use of hearing aids or it just happens.
Possible solution is to try two drops of olive oil in the ears for a few days to soften the wax and it will fall off on its own.
Sometimes wax problems can be quite unsettling and nothing seems to help.
It is advisable that if you have tried some drops of olive oil with no success, see your doctor.
DO NOT PUT ANYTHING inside your ears for whatever reason at all. IT IS DANGEROUS.
Generally for everyone, just as mentioned earlier, the ears deal with wax itself for a vast majority of people. You do NOT need to pick your ears or stick anything inside it at all.
No cotton buds.
No brooms.
No biro covers.
No hair clips.
Nothing needs to go inside your ears please.
Olive oil drops is usually sold at any pharmacy or chemist around you if you absolutely need it, just ask for Ear Wax Drops. Two drops a day for few days should help soften the wax and it would naturally fall off on its own.

Professional freelancer and webmaster.
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