What is the Most Valuable Asset in Life?
The most greatest of all investments is investing in people (relationship). The world is full of individuals who made it in life as the result of investing in others and sustaining the ties of relationship. No one on his own has risen to any position of repute in any field of life without the support of others.
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It was Zik of Africa who influenced the admission of Nkhurma of Ghana in the USA. Nkhurma later became President and very popular in Pan-Africanism than Zik.
It was Mal. Sa’adu Zungur who taught and influenced people like Aminu Kano. But Zungur being the first Nationalist in the North was not known like Aminu Kano and Balewa.
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The name Dangote was not known to the whole nation until 1999 when democratic government took over and opportunities through government patronage was accorded to him so also other billionaires in the country. Take a careful look at those who made it in life close to you or your area, you will discover they are products of others’ Goodwills.
There is a story of a very rich man who started his business through borrowing from someone in their street. To day he is the most richest persons in their society.
No one has ever become something without leaning on someone. God uses others to make others great and prosperous in life.
The most valuable asset in life is in relationship. Do not destroy a relationship built over years because of greed, ego, deceit, envy, and ambition. Those you relate with may be the basis through which you may rise to stardom.
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It is trust and only trust that can sustain a relationship. Do all you could to be trusted and do not abuse the trust because it kills a hard earned relationship.
We grow through those we know and those who knows those we know!
ND Shehu Kanam
Community and Rural Development Student.
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