Estimated read time 13 min read

The Nigerian Law School and my Journey to becoming a Lawyer – Ifeoma Onuike Diaspora Connect


My name is Ifeoma Chinenye Onuike, and this is my story…

After my LLM, I had plans to go for PhD, but I later had a change of mind. I thought it’s wiser to be a professional first in my field and this means I have to attend the Nigerian Law School.

Estimated read time 2 min read

Girne American University Students Participate in HULT prize 2020 OnCampus Program.


HULT Prize 2020, Girne American University .

The HULT PRIZE in partnership with the United Nations is a Global learning and entrepreneurship platform among University students around the world that gives them the opportunity to deliver social change.

The Hult Prize 2020 challenges teams globally to “build bold businesses that have a positive net impact on the environment with every sale completed, dollar earned, and decision made and reach no fewer than a million consumers within a decade”.

Estimated read time 5 min read

Turkish People are the Most Wonderful People I Have Ever Met – Joshua Sopuru, Diaspora Connect (DC)


Nigerian students are known to excel more in academics offshore, and it is our duty to harmonize them hence the purpose of Diaspora Connect (DC). Today we take a look at another amazing young Nigerian youth who has broken boundaries in academic excellence.

Joshua Sopuru is a PhD holder from Girne
American University, Cyprus. In his evaluation of the Turkish people, Joshua
beliefs they are the most wonderful people he had ever met.

Estimated read time 6 min read

My expectations and my reality studying at Cyprus (Episode 1 Reloaded) – Ifeoma Onuike, Diaspora Connect


“Ifeoma Onuike represents a household name which all media outfits, blogs and mega sites across Africa preyed on her success story. From a humble Christian [more…]

Estimated read time 12 min read

Best Valedictorian Speech Ever by Ifeoma Onuike


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